Archer Chainsaw Chains

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Chainsaw Pete

ArboristSite Operative
Jan 10, 2020
Reaction score
I read somewhere that there were three large companies that made all the chainsaw chains. Unsaid in what I read was if this was for the USA or world. I just bought a TsuMura bar from ebay (thanks for the recommendation) and it came with Archer chains. I've not even mounted the bar yet.

What do you guys have to say about this brand of chain?

I've just finished figuring out Stihl's nomenclature for chains, took notes from Oregon's website on their chains and now I have to do the same for Archer. Not that I do enough sawing to buy enough chains to consider a 3rd brand, but I like knowing what's out there.
in my experience archer chains have soft chisels, the stretch a decent bit the first use and after you sharpen them the first time they hold a edge for less time. I was not impressed enough to purchase them after receiving a "free" one with a bar, same with trilink and forrester.
I bought a 25 foot roll of .325 chisel a few years ago. I've been satisfied with it for the price i paid.
True, the lower Archer price makes up for it. For better quality you will have to pay about twice as much. Cutting the ground by accident or hitting an embedded rock or nail in a log will dull them all in equal time.
The Archer chain is mediocre at best. The bars are crap. I bought one a few years back to replace the bar and chain on my CS-590. Right to start with the .050" chain was WAY too loose in the bar and it cut poorly and crooked. I crutch fixed that with a .058" gauge chain and thought I was good to go. On the second tank of fuel the roller nose locked up solid, never to turn again. I contacted the seller and they replaced the bar, which was surprising, and it hasn't locked up yet but it also required .058" gauge chain instead of .050" and it's even a tad too loose in it for my liking.

Even more recently I tried a loop of the "Lazer X" chain they are pushing for cheap......absolutely pure BOVINE for your life!......

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