Brian made the right call.
He could have been more professional about dealing with the landscaper and the customer, but that's Brian.
The landscaper has done this same type of thing his whole career, this is not the first time. He has undoubtedly developed a name for himself, and I'm sure it's not a good one.
By associating himself with this guy, Brian would soon have the same reputation.
The possibility of starting his own business came up, I have another idea. Hire and train yourself a boss.
Find somebody that want to start a business and train them. Set your pay high enough to keep you happy but not so high the business goes under. Work in some prfit sharing. Make sure this person has similar goals and ethics. Look for one with good appearence, sales potential, and book working ability or a wife with that quality.
You have to understand that in the long run he will start making more money than you, but he will have earned it. You, on the other hand, will have a lot of control in the business, without many of the headaches of business operations. Most importantly, all you do is climb and lead the crew.