hope our bickering didn't kill the thread?
Yes that's what happened, Now if you will just mail me that 660 all will be forgivin.:monkey:hope our bickering didn't kill the thread?
Yes that's what happened, Now if you will just mail me that 660 all will be forgivin.:monkey:
hope our bickering didn't kill the thread?
Threads not dead yet. Love the pictures, still workin on lookin at them all?
Hows the weather out there fellas, Im west bound and down Saturday night.
But...But..You don't have my address. Please tell me you didn't mail it to Rope?Its on its way.
Hey,TT we just had it last weekend....there are several members in your area that may be interested..if not I would try the swap meet thread.Should I PM you for the next one?Be glad to have you.
When is this GTG?
If it hasn't happened yet, and some one is coming thur central Missouri
and has room for some parts saws you are welcome to them. If I'm around
when you are passing thru. I have no need for them and hate to just trash
I have very little time for anything right now and won't be able to be very
accommodating. If I can be at home or meet you in town on you way thur
or on your way back. Or if someone lives close enough you can have this stuff.
I'm going to post this in the Christmas given thread also.
Mc Culloch Pro Mac 60, last time I tried it, it would start but needs carb work
Wizard 316, I had it running, it run good but fuel line was so rotten it crumbled off
also needs air filter.....which you can make, org is foam
Box of Homelite 360 parts
Husky crank cases 50, 55 and 61 I think crank bearings are ok on all three.
An old Homelite crank case, I think crank bearings are ok also
Box of top handles, mostly husky's I think, few old mufflers
Stihl 041AV
I'm sure I will dig out and have some other saw junk also.
Not to be a smart-ass, but I don't have time or want to play 20 quetions about
this. You are getting a free pig in a poke
First person to pm me with I will take it it yours
I live 30 miles north of Fort Leonard Wood MO.
Does any one leave close to him that would be willing to pick these up and ship them to me? I will pay for it. PM me if you can.
Wow, looks completely different compared to the miles of rice fields I seen.
But my question is, are there ducks over there?
Thanks for sharin the pictures Freehand
Hey, without a 'bottom' there wouldn't be a top.....
What would you look down on??????
I gotta find another saw to challenge Rope with before the next one.:monkey: