Art was a gentleman and a scholar PERIOD. I am glad to have talked with him
Oh Please! there are alot better loggers out there than Art Martin was. If you were any god damn good, your still doing it, never gave it up, or couldn't do it anymore due to phisical problems or they were just afraid of timber. How much did the OP really know about Art Martin?
All I got out of Art was a decoy race chain! I think Tommy Fales Sr., was one of the real loggers.
Regardless, there's alot of unsung heroes out there and a few hasbeens who are pumped up to be alot more than what they were.
If Art was any kind of a logger, he'd still be on here. Loggers do it all, timber fallers just work for someone else.
Was there an issue with the videos being pulled? I have 15 of his videos saved.
I don't see them in that thread. I tried to reload them from the copies that I have, but the site would not accept that format.
See my recent post in that thread.