TreeHouse Elder
Who else, besides me?
=quoted text
</ul>quoted text
and intermix some of my own stuff betweena bunch of stuff that you said
it would look like:some more stuff that you said
and intermix some of my own stuff betweena bunch of stuff that you said
it would look like (this)</blockquote>some more stuff that you said
Hi Derek. No advice? How about a lesson?/b
that time {b} patse..does ent look right on this screan{b/}bold text = bold textbold text = bold text}
[ubold text = bold text/]
{b}{i}bold text = bold text{i}
bold text = bold text
Originally posted by Derek
"how to set it up.....bloody stupid question......"
hi Jamie thanks i'll have a go...
I notice in your profile "trainee climber" Think you'll have any questions about climbing???how to set it up.....bloody stupid question......
please dont offer any advice on my "quote problems"
bold text = bold text
"bold[bold text = bold text/b] text = bold text"
Thanx john carnt seem to quote you{u}bold text = bold text
Originally posted by Derek
do I put { in first, then past, then}..
by your "lesson" i close brackets {b} first but see what comes through..I found if I just cut and past, no littel least the text comes out... what am i doing wrong (other than using this,to begin with)?? I think I get most of it but whats the very first action