TreeHouse Elder
Originally posted by Derek
Be carefull, I might bring up some of your question from 3 years ago...I've been reading them....
Uhhh, I've only been here a little over a year...
Originally posted by Derek
Be carefull, I might bring up some of your question from 3 years ago...I've been reading them....
Originally posted by RockyJSquirrel
If you want to quote somebody's post, use the little 'quote' button under their post.
Originally posted by glens
I'd thought that was the baseline you were already working from Derek, and that you'd wanted to either reply within the quote to specific things then return to the quote, or to reply to quotes from .u>". <font size="-2">(note I use differing orders in the font modifiers, "quote" (button) this post and look at the source if you're interested)</font>
Originally posted by netree
It's "can't".
Originally posted by netree
LOL Derek... I didn't have anything else to comment on, but I didn't want to view and not post, ya know?
Originally posted by rb_in_va
Derek, when you get good at <font color=red size=3>html</font> tags, you can do stuff like this:
<center><em><font face=batang color=blue size=5>Hello, mate!</font></em></center>
and this:
<marquee><font color=green size=4>Hello, mate!!</font></marquee>
But like you said, bottom of the rope eh?
The values for the properties should be enclosed in quotes, technically. The thing that's a big confusing here is that there is regular HTML and there is VBcode for the board. The VBcode is what's needed to do the quote stuff; we're "lucky" that use of direct HTML is enabled (it's not, in the "other sponsors" forum, and one other, I think)...Originally posted by rb_in_va
Derek, when you get good at <font color=red size=3>html</font> tags ...
Oh, it does (I think), but it's an error to not quote the attribute values.Originally posted by rb_in_va
Does your browser not display the message with the custom things I added?
Originally posted by Derek
And you want to pull me up on thoese """ "" ' ' " " things, ...
And wats a < no a ^ (thers it) do for me?? (or is that a typo?)
That's pretty straightforward. If he doesn't sell you exactly that he's being fraudulent.BUCKINGHAM TREE CLIMBERS are new in the box. Never been used. Top of the line, fully adjustbale with leather pads and straps
Means (to me) that <i>if</i> you use Paypal, it must be from your banking account and not a credit card. (rather makes my little white tail stand up a little, like maybe he's had payers stop the credit card transaction on him before -- why? is he shady or just unlucky?)Paypal may be used via Banking account ONLY.
Same comment applies.No credit card payments accepted.
Again, straightforward to me. If he doesn't answer your question, maybe it's because you're not the buyer yet, and maybe he doesn't know the answer...Overseas buyers please email us for other payment options.
Originally posted by glens
Means (to me) that <i>if</i> you use Paypal, it must be from your banking account and not a credit card. (rather makes my little white tail stand up a little, like maybe he's had payers stop the credit card transaction on him before -- why? is he shady or just unlucky?)