Just giving you a hard time buddy. Really, anytime you can get a removal of that size down safely and efficiently, you're doing well.
Good for you! Thanks for sharing.
I'd rep you for this thread, but well....
I gotem for you.
Just giving you a hard time buddy. Really, anytime you can get a removal of that size down safely and efficiently, you're doing well.
Good for you! Thanks for sharing.
I'd rep you for this thread, but well....
..I have to get a couple pics of a truly big willow in a park in Ann Arbor. It is a multi-trunk tree on a floodplain, that split apart yet continues to live, sort of. People have stacked logs to make stairs so you can walk into the center of the trunk where the tree split apart, and someone hid a geocache up in there. It must have been 8'+DBH, and probably 12'+ at the point where the multiple stems diverged from the main trunk. The branches themselves, which are now horizontal but continue to grow new vertical shoots, are 3'+ in diameter. It is one prehistoric-looking, scary tree. ......
going back to school (yet again, this time for an MBA)
LOL - a really nice way to say it......A brain that smart is worthy of a helmet. :hmm3grin2orange:
x2, great seeing pics of a job from start to finish! The 7900 is a fine lookin' saw, nice ta see one in action!Great pics computer, I also love seeing pics of saws throwin' chips, whether it's felling or bucking, I love it as all of us do. I was going to say something about the backcut, but glad you cleared it up.![]()
What size bar and chain pitch are you using on the 6401? It looks like a good length for me too, I'm trying to figure out what to buy for mine, currently it sports a 20" that is a bit too long.
I'm glad I cleared it up, too. :biggrinbounce2:
By the way, as of this evening some of those ???????ed ants are still running around in my Jeep and on top of that I keep imagining that I can feel them walking on me. Not cool. Note to self: gotta put a few cans of insect killer spray in my saw box.
Nice post computeruser, this is the kind of post a lot of folks can glean useful information on. I am wondering about that back cut? Are folks jabbing you about it because it is at a slight angle downward? Please explain whats wrong with it and what are the repercussions of making it that way. I've see large trees cut down like that with a definitive downward back and wondered why they would do that. Thanks again for the post!
...how 'bout a PM next time you guys are up to something at that cemetary?
I'm not that far down the road, and I'd love to come help out. (Have 2171, will travel...)
BTW, ailanthus, Tree of HELL, is the worst dang thing we have here in SE Michigan, and that includes the Lions. My neighbor has a 50 ft tall "specimen," and as a result, everyone within two blocks has eight billion of the things in their yards. It would be my pleasure to sink a saw into one.