As Tcc?

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ArboristSite Guru
Feb 25, 2003
Reaction score
How cool would it be to have an invitational Arboristsite member only tree climbing competition? I think it would be very interesting. Somewhere that its cheap to fly to for all. Who would be up to it? Who would win?
That would be sweet, but I wouldn't do any climbing. It would be neat to have as AS get-together. See who could eat the most pig!:)
I bet I could eat more than you, John!
Colorado Springs is a nice central location, you all can camp out in my backyard. If you guys are serious, I will see if I can set things up.

This would be for fun not to compete with local and international TCC. Maybe our TCC could stand for TREE CLIMBING CELEBRATION instead. We don't need any prizes or surprises. Maybe cool to get some sponsors and donated items but not necessary.

I'm in for eating contest. Before our invitational masters here in PA I had a double quarter pounder meal super sized that came late the lunch an hour later with lots of ribs beans. When I got done my climb it all came back up so maybe we can have the eating after the climbing.
That would be fun for alot of us, but if folks are going to have to travel, why not Southeren Mexico on the coast either one I would be interested in the Banyan trees, as well as the mango trees I have seen pictures they look wild. Plus if we could get a little sun.
I know I would love the oportunity to climb a red oak. I hope to do so once before I leave this earth.
ill be in that Jon,RB if hes got some big stuff,he could just out qoute a massive job and we will just climb the lot,i dont know maybe,boring over here same old gums,eucs.
If I were to think of a good place for all to meet, it would be Atlanta. The majority of the members here are east of the mississippi, there's a major airport, and fair weather year round.

Also, you might be able to talk the guys from TCI into using their grove.

Just a thought.:blob1:
Originally posted by BigJohn
I know I would love the oportunity to climb a red oak. I hope to do so once before I leave this earth.
You've got some pretty sizeable ones out in your neck of the woods, don't you?

I would go to one in Orlando. Especially in the winter. I have family that lives nearby in Casselberry, so I get down there several times a year anyway. Maybe Disney has some trees to climb.
Would a gathering on the west coast to climb redwoods be of any interest?

You betcha! I'd definitely be in on that! Sequoias would be great as well.

As for a good winter gathering place, why not Hawaii? Definitely not centrally located, but I don't think you could pick a better spot for winter climbing. I did like the Mexico idea, too, though.

You make the plan, and i'll figure a way to get there. Sounds like a blast. Too bad we can't organize another TreeHouse type of project.
Big ones here? The biggest around here go around 100 to maybe 115 and there are lots of them around. They don't compare to a redwood. The biggest redwood here that I have seen was maybe 75. A 100 foot tree just seems small anymore.
I knew you'd meant red<i>wood</i>, not the red <i>oak</i> you said.
