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Dec 27, 2007
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hello all I want out to hunt deer today, and my buddie that owns the place said he cut down a ash tree and that I could have it and he also has seven other ash trees that I can have. all I have to do is cut them down. they range from about 8 in up to 16 in trees give or take a inch. man I do love cutting and burning exspecillay when its free well except gas and oil. and I can say one thing man is that wood hard .
I'm with ya I am still finishing up a 3 to 1 split with my very generous neighbor 90% is dead ash. I have filled a 10x20 carport 5 to 6 ft. high and I'm not done hauling plus I cut and split around 10 FACE cords early in the summer so hopefully I am set for some time.. I burnt some ash at the end of last yr. nice stuff you'll be very happy it seasons pretty quick and burn nice and hot when dry, the only thing I have heard is keep is out of weather as it will rot easier than other species I don't know that for sure though just putting it out there. Nice find keep you chains sharp and it will go quick!! congrats irishcountry
Cutting the Ash

Hi fellow Hoosier you must have some ash bore working in your area as well. We have been cutting a significant number of new killed ash trees in LaPorte County for a while even though they say we don't have the bore. It use, too be just dead elm but now running across groups of 18-25 inch diam. ash debarking and leafless. Its grate cutting but this is definently take its toll on our ash tree populations. I would rather cut fence row cherries all day long then take ash out of the woods, but if its dead its gotta go. happy cutting The Hoosier

Sharpen your chain its a jungle out there!!!!!!!!
... the only thing I have heard is keep is out of weather as it will rot easier than other species ... I don't know that for sure though just putting it out there...
Maple yes, ash no. As long as it's off the ground or on a bed of river rock or gravel for drainage, ash will last uncovered for about as long as oak. Best part about it is that ash dries faster than oak or locust and puts out almost as much heat per log. It also lights faster.
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I wondered cuz it is so dense I was just told that by a guy that sells firewood. I just finished running wood today I have it under a temporary carport 20x10 the stack is about 6-7 foot high and filled to the max quick figure about 9 full cords I think!??? I was just glad to get it, it does burn very nice and the stuff I got last yr. wasn't seasoned that great they said it was dry but what they meant was they cut down a dead tree split it and delivered it big difference I think! Thanks for the info irishcountry
Yes it was a good feeling to get that last load I have been working on it when I have free time since the beginning of the summer so boy was I glad to finish!! I have some more that I gotta get under cover form the very beginning of summer again dead ash cut down at a apartment complex. It is already bone dry and light so I will burn that first. thanks