ASV vs. Bobcat

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I think when Takeuchi comes out with there new hi flo it will be "the machine" . Under carrige is bullet proof , just a well built machine. Anyone running the Supertrack ?
Bobcat allt he way

Cats are garbage. My boss just bought one, and already has dropped 16g's into a new track assembly. He has had his t300 for 2 years and hasnt put a penny into it besides routine maitenence. Granted he owns a nursery so his situation is not as hard as running a mulching head.We are demoing a brand new komatsu track machine and it has had problems as well. Nevermind the 64,000$ price tag.
How good is the bobcat

Hi felllas

I just stumbled on this thread.

My name says it , I help build bobcats. have been doing it for 19 yrs now. Im a machinist and am curious...How does a bobcat really stack up ?

I note for yall..Bobcat has a totally new and redisigned machine( it doesnt look like your daddys bobcat) coming out either very late this yr or early next yr. And it is impressive. Higher ground clearance, much more HP( 98 on the prototype), lifting cap, break force. Just something to wet your whistle :)
Hello Bobcat Builder

I own 3 machines right now a T300, T320 and a S330. All are fully loaded and all have high flow. I have been very impressed and they have held up well. The new design of the K series under carriage made a huge difference in the track system and they now hold up better than ever and less clattering. The overall feel of the machine is excellent and when compared to others have a much more modern feel.

So your not gonna just let us hang there with that little tease are you. Describe it a little more. Is it comming out as a skid steer or tracked machine or both or what? What else is different? The shape what?
nah ASD. Its much more than that. The bobcat itself is about to have a total radical redesign. More than the jump from the old 610 design and more than the jump from the 740 series to the the 4th generation machines.

Bobcat is about to reestablish itself as the most modern machine on the market.

So far all Ive seen is a track machine but I cant and wouldnt rule out skid steer..Bobcat started the skid steer market, I really doubt it will ever be dropped.
We used to run Case 90XT with high flow and rotary mowers for brushing. The Case is a well built unit, very heavy duty. With over the tire track for running over stumps and logs. I don't know about stumps and logs with rubber tracks. Sounds like trouble and no traction. The steel tracks help grind up sticks on the ground. Case has or had highflow with 5000 psi but I think they dropped it down. Only problems were hydraulic leaks associated with the belly pan getting bashed up and filling with mulch. How do fixed tooth fecon heads hold up against rocks?
A300 ??

t300 for light clearing
s300 with over tracks for the tuff/nasty stuff

Same machine capabilities as the S300, with the 4 wheel steer as an add-on.

Tracks are not an effective option on them, but the 4 wheel steer kicks posterior. Twice the traction, and less ground damage and tire wear.

Not as good stability as almost any track unit.
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for a little over the last year ive been doing quite a bit of cutting for crew that move alot of the logs with a bobcat(you'd be surprised at what these things will lift!! we loaded some 34ft oak logs the other day that were 16"on the little end-loaded them on the truck one end at a time!!) one of them is an older 873 and one is a year old 330 with around 150 hrs on it. that cab on the 330 is really nice!! i haven't been around an ASV. but ive been impressed with the Bobcat, way faster for moving logs than a big loader, can work on softer ground and will move just about anything except the big'uns

as for the first too pics, this thing could easily handle 2 of these (these are 20' long-and are the 4th log that length out of the cottonwood tree they came from




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