auction saw

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tony marks

Addicted to ArboristSite
Dec 11, 2001
Reaction score
stanley co nc
any interested look at item 2038616548.
028 an the mans gettin a good price for it. my eyes not the best so i may be wrong,but something looks a little off.
one thing , the bars to long ,at least for me.
Tony, the reason it doesn't look like your 028 is because it is an 026.
Looks like a 20" bar to me.

I am amused sometimes at how people describe things in ads, on e-bay, etc. That 20" bar will measure almost 24" stem to stern (off the saw), so some will call it that.

I am not very surprised by the price the seller is getting for his item. We have all remarked many times how inflated the prices have gotten on e-bay. A while back I noticed somebody offering a couple of old, empty, rusty tin oil cans; most of us would have tossed them in the trash when cleaning out a shed, but this fellow was actaully getting bids for not really collectible, fairly recent-vintage 40:1 two-stroke oil cans. Empty. Rusty.

Go figure.
Are you sure that's not a 311Y? :)

eBay's prices are supply and demand. Someone halfway accross the county will buy somthing he can't find locally at all. Enough of those and the price goes up.

One thing I'm enjoying is the Buy It Now feature. $75 026s have a way of doing that to you.
I even E-mailed this seller and educated them about the 311Y sticker. They thanked me and said they would up-date their auction......I see they haven't gotten to it yet.
Yup I remember the 311Y i bought off of E-bay...... A almost New this last yr model 026 It runs Great especially for 150.00 :p