Now, here is a laugher... the only one that has it right is the current last post from Alaska. I love all these people living in thier stick frame houses screaming about all the damage done to the forests... especially the idiots in NYC. Now, there is no ecological damage done in NYC, is there? Nooooo... Manhatten Is is in tune with nature, and has a sustainable zero carbon emission footprint

Lets all preserve the PNW forests so that NYC people can look at TV shows and see that they are all OK. They can get their lumber from the Brazilian rain forest.
More trees around here than there have been in hundreds of years. Trees are renewable. Salmon have been overfished, and are going to be displaced by the asian carp pretty soon from the looks of it. Spotted owl here is being displaced by the barred owl, and has nothing to do with humans. I have seen both around here.