I started milling the logs for the next playground a couple of days ago.
Apart from one log which has to have handholds/steps cut on it the other 6 logs just need to be flat topped so kids can walk on them more easily, nothing difficult milling wise. It's just fun to use the BIL mill again and make a bit of sawdust.
Here is the general location where I am milling at the tree loppers yard.
There are 3 Spotted Gums, 2 Jarrah and 2 Western AUIstralian Red Gums to work on
The grain on this Spotted Gum was quite nice.
Way too good for playground timber IMHO.
This one reminded me of the aliens on "Close encounters of the 3rd kind"
This is the log that will have the steps cut into it.
The log is Jarrah, also waaaaaay to good to use in a playground
This is fun stuff to cut as, unlike the Spotted gum which gums the chain up, Jarrah cuts very clean and is relatively soft
The full width dip across the log was where the mill got hung up on the joint between my two sets of log rails. I need to undo the rail bolts at that point and realign the rails.
The red dust brings back strong memories of my Dad who often would come come home from work covered in this.