Hello I im having a issue I can't seem to figure out. I had a little homelite xl I fixed for the neighbor. New fuel lines a. Little tuning ran good. Then I let it sit a few days and topped off the gas and it started bogging and would die like it ran out of gas. So I ordered a carb kit. Yesterday I had a poulan 5020 I was selling I had just used it 3 days ago and it ran fine. So I topped it off with gas for the guy and it started to run just like the homelite. Hard to start and didn't want to rev out. Now today I had a pp4218 that I was getting ready to sell it ran great 2 days I filled thentank and now the same thing. This gas I used is 87 because the rec fuel pump was down. And vp oil 40 to 1. At first I thought it was a carb issues but adjusting the carb had little affect on it. It would run then bog and stall and now that 3 saws are having them same issues. I wonder if it could be the gas