Bald Eagle

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ArboristSite Guru
Feb 8, 2005
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i finally saw the eagle!!! we were out doing storm damage today... there is a pair of nesting eagles in the neighbor has shown me pictures of them out by the lake..he's retired, and has one of those high end digital cams, that you can switch lens's with..all his pic were from 100 yds, with telephoto...i've never seen them.

we go to clean up half a bradford pear in a back yard of a housing complex, unchain the gate for the fire road, to get our job,, go down the fire rd, to get to the next job.. see like ten people staring in the air.. guy i'm with asks" what's going on?" i don't know.. look around... theres this big son of a ?????,, sitting up near the top of a 60 foot spruce...AWESOME!!!!!
They really are impressive when seen in person. Kinda hard to describe the feeling...

I've seen them in my neighborhood a couple of times as they winter over here at our lake.

The ultimate was when they spent a couple of hours atop a tree in my yard.

LarryTheCableGuy said:
They really are impressive when seen in person. Kinda hard to describe the feeling...

I've seen them in my neighborhood a couple of times as they winter over here at our lake.

The ultimate was when they spent a couple of hours atop a tree in my yard.

that has to be awesome looking out the window, and seeing some thing like that in your back yard!!!
They really are making a great comeback since we stopped using DDT. There is a pair that nests in the swamp in back of my house. They landed next to my pond a few times before the developers started putting in too many subdivisions around here.

The bright white head and tail are particularly striking in flight. I watched a pair in an arial "Dance" for about 15 minutes once. Beautiful! Whistling, circling, diving around each other, sometimes rolling over almost completely on their backs in the air.

I have not found the nest, I only know it is somewhere between me and Lake Ponchartrain. State game and fish knows, but they aint tellin'. They are afraid the nest would attract too much attention.

My picts are not too good. Had to take them through an upstairs window. Never seem to have a camera when I see them outside. This one even saw me through the window and took off before I could get outside.
we're truly fortunate to be a winter nesting grounds for bald eagles. this is up by Lake Keystone in northeast oklahoma.

it's a common sight to see bald eagles fishing on the arkasas river. we know where a HUGE eagle's nest is. kinda of coool seeing imature eagles in the nest.

it's kind of a open secret where the eagle nests are...
When i was a kid 5th grade, after football practise standing infront of the school . This monster bird flies over , i was so excited, even at that age i knew what it was, no mistaking it for anything else .It wasnt 30 feet above of us flying by. Every adult i told about it laughed and said it wasnt a Bald Eagle, probly a buzzard. I knew better ,nothing looks like a Bald Eagle. I find out a few years later a local hunting redneck fool shot it and had it in his freezer to possibly get mounted. Also found out a few people did know it was for real , I had seen a real eagle and there was more, there was a pair. The redneck fool has since died but i still get mad at him when i think of what he did. We do have some Bald Eagles here but never again in the area these were.It is a rare event for any1 to see 1 though. Beautiful birds.
Clearance aren't you from the Charlottes. I spent a summer in sandspit many years ago eagles were absolutely everywhere. Never did a day go by without seeing these birds right in town. Is it still like that up there?
I saw a lot of them in the Charlottes when I was in the Navy and sailing up and down the west coast. One place we dropped the pick "Keith Anchorage" near Calvert Island was absolutely infested with them as I recall. I remember at the time they were almost endangered in the USA, and here in Canada there literally were hundreds. I think that if left alone, ie not shot at, and given the outlawing of DDT they are a pretty adaptable bird. There was a nesting pair along the Ottawa River when I lived there three years ago and used to see them when I drove out to work in Cumberland.

Used to see them in Goldstream Park near Victoria eating dead post spawn salmon. Whew what a stench.
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seen 2 times

First time it was a display of power..on the ice near running water it had killed 3 geese and was sitting there eating one...was no more then 100 yrds away...was great...second time along the merrimac river here along nh mass border...they are nesting and have youngins as we speak....the local newspaper had a contest to name them...they live on the merrimac so they are named merry and maci
day after i saw the Eagle,, i was back in the same complex.. i was supposed to hook up with another crew after lunch..i start cruising the loop, don't see my guys.. see something zip under a pine,,park the truck, walk down a cul de sac.. heres a red tailed hawk, on the roof, with a bird in its talons... he sees me, i see him.. landscape foreman sees me in the middle of the road standing there.. sees the hawk,, takes pictures on his cell phone,, and digital cam.. goes to get a closer shot.. hawk flies away with bird hanging...asks me if i saw the big birds the day before.. yeah ,i saw the eagle, i say...he says ,, you only saw one??? i only saw one,, the other one was there,and i missed it!!! damm it!!