I can believe that the epa. will get enough complaints to look into outdoor furnaces/boilers. 2 years ago in Quebec we had a winter smog advisory. cold air up high was pushing down on all the emissions they say mostly from woodstoves. They cracked down the following year and all new stoves now have to have an effiancy rating and an emmissins rating. I just completed a new house for myself. I feared the future of outdoor heaters until I discoverd a unit form TarmU.S.A. (
www.woodboilers.com) I can heat my home and domestic hot water for 24 hrs. on 2 armloads of dry 20in. hardwood. there is very little emissions because you burn the boiler wide open, and the excess heat is stored in a 680 gallon water tank in my basement. After the fire goes out the pumps take the heated water from the tank and circulate it through the floor . I only need to monitor tank temp. to see when I need another firing. very sweet system