I had to remove mine to flip it 180 degrees, as the middle of it was worn down when I bought it. You can take the whole thing off, it's just a solid bar. The two caps on the end allow you to cam it up evenly, and the reference marks help you set the clearance. I stamped reference marks for the caps before removing them, and had no problems getting it all back on straight. The vermeer parts guys will send you a parts manual if you call them. Stamp a mark on each cap (called a "mount", #5 in the parts manual), and one on each "clamp" and mark them right and left. This should be done before you loosen the half inch grade 8 bolts on each end. If you have broken off one of the end bolts, I recommend you mark, then remove the entire bed knife and get a machine shop to remove the broken bolt.
You are suppose to be able to loosen the two bolts on each cap, then rotate the bar (bed knife) using the bolts on the end. That way, the two cammed mounts don't get out of whack. If you don't have a parts manual, and don't have time to get it, pm me and i'll copy the pic of the bed knife assembly and fax it. Don't have a scanner though, so I can't email it. Let me know if I can help.