Before and after pruning photos

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l2edneck said:
Heres 1 that i did back at the beginning of the year.Only was paid to trim the side that was over homeowners property.The other side is High Line Utility ROW.


Almost looks like bonsai.:)
M.D. Vaden said:
On my website, I use to put some before and after photos of landscapes, but not of trees. Even with good pruning, I often felt that the after photos did not look as good, since many trees are fuller and greener before pruning.

Especially for the correction of some neglected trees.

The walnut restoration pair of images below was a couple I saved...

WOW! Give that walnut some time to grow. Talk about burl wood!:chainsaw:

Good work on the save.:clap:
Ekka said:

Great pics.

The first 2 pics, I never seen a walnut tree but is that one OK? Like do they grow that sort of spindly?

Also, it's a tiny yard, is that tree going to out grow it's spot?

And the 2nd tree looked much better after the shack was removed.

You're right, good pruning pics are hard to take.

Come on Trev, what ya got down in Victoria, some fancy trees for sure. People love their trees down south.

Wish I could post the walnut images side by side, although they are on my albums.

Anyway, that walnut was topped previously, wth the crude treehouse boards nailed to the leaders.

Generally, they grow medium speed, with a broad round-headed form. Very nicely formed trees and can get very old here is not abused.
buzz sawyer said:
Thanks M.D. Nice job on both trees! Is that an English walnut? Bark doesn't look coarse like black walnut.

Yes, they look a little bare immediately afterward, but they look a whole lot better than the hatracking in my neighborhood. And they'll look a lot nicer in the long run.

Don't be shy Trev!

I just saw it that one time, and it was dormant. But I recall the owners saying it was an English walnut.
avant /après

dead wood in a pine :

pruning on some oaks :

thining out on a young cedar :

it won't be easy to reply cause my english is :laugh:

the oaks:
the road down the picture won't be private anymore. the municipality asked the owner of the trees to cut some branches above (lot of dead wood and weaken branches). many cuts on the left so,then i made soft cuts all around the trees to harmonise and try to give'em a more natural shape
they're pretty back on form at now.:blob2:

the cedar:
many young or old cedars have fallen in even littles storms these last few years in france. Many owners are then afraid. their first reflex is : "mister, i want to pollard it" :eek: NO WAY! for this one, i replied that no problem will happen yet but he persisted. So, what we can do is lighten the volume of the tree, and then there's less weight, the wind can better go through, and the shape of the tree is preserved.
what we can do is lighten the volume of the tree, and then there's less weight, the wind can better go through, and the shape of the tree is preserved.

Right on target...but need to also add that is a better chance of just losin some branches instead of the whole tree in windstorms.

Nice pics keep em comin'
So, is this photo show for residential, or can utility clearance show off too? :)

Seriously, I'm learning lots, so keep postin', k?

~ S

"Grab'er, growl, and go!"
Quercus rubra (red oak)

Crown thinning of a red oak. Sorry didn't take before pics. I will on the next one.
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Welcome to A/S

So, is this photo show for residential, or can utility clearance show off too? :)

Seriously, I'm learning lots, so keep postin', k?

This is just a pruning photo thread.Be it hack stack n do'it,dont be scared just post it.Please no brush piles,just trees still standing!!!

ggttp said:
Crown thinning of a red oak. Sorry didn't take before pics. I will on the next one.

Good lookin tree..........
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I tried

I tried to put another one on but it keeps telling me upload failed. i'll try tomorrow. Is there any other way to put pics on besides attachment manager? Also how do you resize the pics?

They payed me to take down this ugly Acer saccharinum (silver maple). It was topped 2 years prior they are just now realizing it is not going to make it. Topping is never good but this case is probably the worst i have ever seen.

P.S. Thanks for the tip worked great.
Hey, I was going through old pics and found another before and after.

Let me explain what is going on or you'll get MM jump on ya.

Customer is old lady and wanted the tree "saved". It had a little deadwood and a few ordinary looking branches but it was heavily topped 2 times previous. You'll easily see that in the after pics.

We lifted it up so the lawn would grow better and clear for structures plus cars etc going underneath occasionally.

Mango trees will quickly fill in any thinning and a full canopy with 100% shade underneath would result in 1 season. Reducing would mean cutting off foliage as there's generally no leaf (it's a mono-canopy or single canopy).

So we thinned a few of the epicormics, cleared out the dead and raised the crown.

The tree is ornamental rather than for fruit by the way.
Oh owe

ggttp mate, we're trying to keep this thread clean, proper pruning only and no take downs. :biggrinbounce2:
Looks good

Ekka that looks good what species of tree is that. Sorry my last post was meant for topped trees thread.

Also here is a before and after of a Quercus palustris (pin oak). The customer had me raise, thin, and deadwood it.
That was a mango tree.

I like putting the befores and after side by side with near the same scale ... good idea is to mark the spot you took the first pic from then take the after from the same spot.

Like this. ;)


I looked them up it looks like there are many different types. We dont have anything like that around here. Damn cold weather.