Anybody know where boonville, Indiana is ??? :hmm3grin2orange: That is where I am from. Bout 20 or so miles from evansville, IN.
I know Boonville (and so does everyone else now,Thanks Mr Camm) Used to quail hunt at Bluegrass (or um peabody) WMA. Mostly go up to Lynnville now, But I havent been out there in a couple of years. Work with a guy from Oakland who is supposed to take me hunting on the family farm. Lots of birds out your way.
Originally Posted by bcmktg
I was born and raised in Harrison Co, IN, about 12 miles NW of Corydon, IN, in a wide spot in the road called Ramsey. I also lived several years in Bloomington and still have family in that area and in Harrison Co.
Small world, ain't it?
Vanwinkles will appreciate you calling them the wide spot I'll tell David he's famous on the internet next time I see him.

So Al are you a Gettelfinger or A Knowlot?
Originally Posted by fishhuntcutwood
Al, I was born in Corydon! Raised in Leavenworth. My dad was the property manager for Harrison/Crawford State Forrest. My family is all in Bedford. My parents have since moved to Minnesota, but we still spend our holidays and such in IN.
One of the coldest nights I ever spent outdoors was on Cold Friday Rd. in the Harrison Crawford Forest, back when you could still get to the horse campground from there. Sometimes tent camping sucks. Hunted a few day down in Derby this year with Brad Ramsey (as in Ramseys Tavern) right on the river. Don't know how old you are Jeff but I'd bet a nickel we know some of the same people.
Originally Posted by dustytools
I was born in Salem, lived in Paoli till I was about 11 or so which is when we moved to Ky.
Bird hunt outside of Paoli sometimes at a preserve in Orleans, great place to hunt pheasants after all the wild bird seasons close. MY wife is from the Salem area, I originally grew up in Clarksville. I traveled most of the southern part of the state hunting, fishing, and raising he!! when I was younger, ahh the benefits of a misspent youth.

We live between Henryville and Scottsburg now in a 4-way (only 2 stop) called Underwood.
Originally Posted by fishhuntcutwood
It is a small world. Do you still talk funny? I know it took me a while to shake the backwoods from my vernacular. And while I've still got alot of it, people from other parts of the country can understand me now!
Never be ashamed of were you've been, there’s worse places to be from.