Best Hookeroon/Pickeroon?

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Best Pickeroon? (These are what's available at Bailey's...) VOTE FOR YOUR TOP 2 CHOICES

  • Logrite 30"

  • Logrite 36"

  • Fiskars Hookaroon (28" Fiberglass Composite Handle) XA22

  • Council Tool Hookeroon with 36" Wooden Handle

  • Peavey Mfg 36" Hookeroon (Hume Pickeroon)

  • Woodchuck Hookeroon (45" Aluminum Handle) WCT0745

  • Woodchuck Hookeroon (32" Aluminum Handle) WCT07

  • Oregon Sappie Lifting Pick (27" Aluminum Handle) 536320

  • Oregon Sappie Lifting Pick (20" Aluminum Handle) 536319

  • Something Else (I'll post below...)

Results are only viewable after voting.
So I’ve been lurking on this thread and considering buying one too now. I mentioned this to my wife the other day and she asked me why couldn’t I just keep using my pulp hooks? I replied by saying absolutely buttttt.. there’s someone locally selling some at $25 each (CAD) so I was thinking of getting one eventually. Before I do get one, I suppose my wife’s question made me think.. why or how is a hookaroon/picaroon better than a pulp hook for lifting 16” sections? My two thoughts real quick, the extra length and a less curved tip to drop rounds easier?
Do I even need one even if it’s only $25?
Thanks folks! :)
So I’ve been lurking on this thread and considering buying one too now. I mentioned this to my wife the other day and she asked me why couldn’t I just keep using my pulp hooks? I replied by saying absolutely buttttt.. there’s someone locally selling some at $25 each (CAD) so I was thinking of getting one eventually. Before I do get one, I suppose my wife’s question made me think.. why or how is a hookaroon/picaroon better than a pulp hook for lifting 16” sections? My two thoughts real quick, the extra length and a less curved tip to drop rounds easier?
Do I even need one even if it’s only $25?
Thanks folks! :)

Skip the cheap one and get a logrite if you can. You'll never break the handle, it's hard to lose, and they work REALLY well, which I can't say for the cheap ones I've used.

Edited to add: you'll have to decide for yourself where to use it vs. a pulp hook, but personally, but in the woods and at the splitter, I prefer the pickaroon. It's got more reach, so I can pull things from further away and bend over less. Also, there's room to get both hands on it for extra lift or pull. As you mentioned, for the price they are worth trying. Any tool that makes this gig easier is worth it in my book.
Skip the cheap one and get a logrite if you can. You'll never break the handle, it's hard to lose, and they work REALLY well, which I can't say for the cheap ones I've used.

Edited to add: you'll have to decide for yourself where to use it vs. a pulp hook, but personally, but in the woods and at the splitter, I prefer the pickaroon. It's got more reach, so I can pull things from further away and bend over less. Also, there's room to get both hands on it for extra lift or pull. As you mentioned, for the price they are worth trying. Any tool that makes this gig easier is worth it in my book.
Very true. Thanks for the tip! I never thought about when splitting.
So I’ve been lurking on this thread and considering buying one too now. I mentioned this to my wife the other day and she asked me why couldn’t I just keep using my pulp hooks? I replied by saying absolutely buttttt.. there’s someone locally selling some at $25 each (CAD) so I was thinking of getting one eventually. Before I do get one, I suppose my wife’s question made me think.. why or how is a hookaroon/picaroon better than a pulp hook for lifting 16” sections? My two thoughts real quick, the extra length and a less curved tip to drop rounds easier?
Do I even need one even if it’s only $25?
Thanks folks! :)

Take a look at this video, he's comparing the Logrite to the LogOx... In many of his other vids you can watch him using the Logrite as well... I think this is the only vid where the LogOx makes an appearance, if you can glean anything from that...

I pulled the trigger and ordered the 36" Logrite on the big river, also ordered the 28" Forester pickaroon from Menards. The Logrites are getting low or out of stock everywhere for some reason. Logrite out of business or not producing?
I bought a Husqvarna Hookaroon last week. Never had one before. Love it. I’m cutting blocks off a log pile and it is great for gathering the blocks into a pile and clearing the way for the next logs. No more bending. Swing, stick, drag or lift, shake. Repeat.

I watched the video above. He sure looked like he had to swing that log rite hard to make it stick. I’m not swinging the Husky anywhere near that hard and it sticks every time. Ash, maple, hickory at minus 10c.

I will say the head was loose after day one. Handle likely wasn’t fully dried when installed. I snugged it up but may needs to rehang it with a new wedge.

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Can't speak as to which is best, but I have a Logrite 30" and I find it useful. Seen rattlers and other critters scamper away when using it to move blow down and wood in burn piles. Has a good bite and balance.

Would buy another 30" Logrite again if ours ever went missing.

(Diameter of handle = 1.5")
Broken sledgehammer handle with a ground-down bolt in it. Picks up splits, price is right.

I also experimented with some homemade ones. I built two, and was never very happy with them until I made sure the hook was plenty sharp and angled just right. I used a 1" dowel rod and a piece of plate steel.
I use mine for pulling split firewood to my side of the trailer, so I don't need something heavy or all that powerful for moving large rounds.

My next one is going to be like Jetsam, but I'm going to use a 1" dowel (or other long straight handle) with a grade 8 bolt ground down to a nice sharp point. For my purposes, the hook doesn't really need to stick out 4" or more as most commercial ones do, so the head can be much lighter for faster one-handed use.

Sorry - no pic available, but I'll try and get something.
20" & 24" It works lightly and the beaks are hardened pleasantly /Is there a subject of a log turner? Because I also have two nice ones made by myself


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Well guys, more of my Cardio Workout tools have been delivered:


Busted up all these chunks -mostly quarters- today, with either the Fiskars Maul, or the Fiskars SSA, and put both the Logrite and the Forester pickaroons to task.

I used both to pile up these red oak chunks today... probably 40% were done with the Forester and 60% with the Logrite. I have to say, I like them both. Hands down, the quality of the Logrite is better than the Forester, but it's 4X the price too. After moving all these chunks, it barely even looks like its even been used. The Forester, on the other hand, loosened the head within the first half dozen chunks. I knocked it back down, and attempted to drive the wedges in further with the poll of my axe, but wasn't able to do much, except split the end of the handle swell. No biggie, a little Titebond II and a squeeze overnight in the vise, and it will be good there, but the factory hang job is terrible... as would be expected. When I first saw the "hook" on the Forester, I was expecting to have to "re-profile" it, but it actually works pretty well.

Both are easy to set the hook, and both hang on well, the Logrite a bit better than the Forester. But, at times, that makes it more of a challenge to get it to release too, if you don't have the angles right. The Forester releases pretty much right when you want it to.

The logrite is light as a feather it seems... I'd be surprised if it weighs much more than a pound, maybe 1 1/4 pounds. The diameter of the handle is just right, I didn't tear any callouses off today with either, LOL, like I did with my homemade pickaroon. The Forester weighs about as much as you would expect it to by looking at it.

At this point, I can recommend both. The Logrite just works... right out of the box. I don't know what kind of steel they make the point out of, but is some STRONG stuff! Very good quality!! The Forester, you should expect to re-hang it. But, it's 1/4 the price of the Logrite too. They both work well.
