Well guys, more of my Cardio Workout tools have been delivered:
Busted up all these chunks -mostly quarters- today, with either the Fiskars Maul, or the Fiskars SSA, and put both the Logrite and the Forester pickaroons to task.
I used both to pile up these red oak chunks today... probably 40% were done with the Forester and 60% with the Logrite. I have to say, I like them both. Hands down, the quality of the Logrite is better than the Forester, but it's 4X the price too. After moving all these chunks, it barely even looks like its even been used. The Forester, on the other hand, loosened the head within the first half dozen chunks. I knocked it back down, and attempted to drive the wedges in further with the poll of my axe, but wasn't able to do much, except split the end of the handle swell. No biggie, a little Titebond II and a squeeze overnight in the vise, and it will be good there, but the factory hang job is terrible... as would be expected. When I first saw the "hook" on the Forester, I was expecting to have to "re-profile" it, but it actually works pretty well.
Both are easy to set the hook, and both hang on well, the Logrite a bit better than the Forester. But, at times, that makes it more of a challenge to get it to release too, if you don't have the angles right. The Forester releases pretty much right when you want it to.
The logrite is light as a feather it seems... I'd be surprised if it weighs much more than a pound, maybe 1 1/4 pounds. The diameter of the handle is just right, I didn't tear any callouses off today with either, LOL, like I did with my homemade pickaroon. The Forester weighs about as much as you would expect it to by looking at it.
At this point, I can recommend both. The Logrite just works... right out of the box. I don't know what kind of steel they make the point out of, but is some STRONG stuff! Very good quality!! The Forester, you should expect to re-hang it. But, it's 1/4 the price of the Logrite too. They both work well.