I've seen that too!
This thread is worthless without pictures........

I've seen that too!
Ok, Sirius..ly now.....that muffler sucks (pun tended, right Miss Lovelace)....the stock port has been drilled out forward too much, so gases will be directed straight toward the brake....that could get smelly...mebbe he likes sniffing melting plastic.
and that other port, while eerily similar to Andy's great design, has way too small of an orifice (that's a scary word in light of the direction you gutterminded fellas have sent this thread....)to do much good at all.
Chit,four years and I could write a book,a long one.Belles,Norfolk Va could cover an entire chapter.20 years of active duty in the US Navy... you wouldn't believe what I have seen...:smoking:
Now that I think about it there was this one time in the Phillippines.........
Oh, dang , wrong chat room..........
So maybe I should hook up a turbo to the second muffler port and force air in, so the exhaust gets forced out the other hole faster?
I got it! Two BIG expansion chambers, one for exhaust, the other to let air in! The header pipe would look like a Y, I gotta get to work........
Yep-It's called "The Blow-Suck Quotient". If it ain't within +/-3% then it's
BOOM Baby!:hmm3grin2orange:
Does the "+/- 3%" apply to all saw makes? Do the Stihls suck more than the Husky's suck? I hear the poulans suck pretty bad.
Does the "+/- 3%" apply to all saw makes? Do the Stihls suck more than the Husky's suck? I hear the poulans suck pretty bad.
away Husky.Huskys must suck more, because everyone knows that Stihl blows. :greenchainsaw:
Huskys must suck more, because everyone knows that Stihl blows. :greenchainsaw:
So maybe I should hook up a turbo to the second muffler port and force air in, so the exhaust gets forced out the other hole faster?
I got it! Two BIG expansion chambers, one for exhaust, the other to let air in! The header pipe would look like a Y, I gotta get to work........