bids can be helpful but sometimes the HO's have bizarre responses...

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ArboristSite Operative
Jun 13, 2011
Reaction score
Norwich, VT
I recently assembled and submitted a bid for a project that I estimated would take between 15 and 21 hours (not man hours...hours).....I got back a pretty timely response. "GREAT can you do the work on the afternoon of July 3rd?"...

I have no issue with the July 3rd part (weather permitting) I just don't know how I'm going to squeeze 15-21 hours into an afternoon?????
Just start on that day and finish the next day if you don't mind working on the 4th. Just get a signed paper saying that she understands the bid and that you are supposed to start on that day.:yoyo:
Is the HO retired? Seems like there are more hours in an afternoon when you're retired...from what I hear anyway...

Make sure they understand you will not be completing the work in one afternoon as others have said. Maybe you could hire some temps and bust it out in 4-5 hrs...kidding, Just kidding...

Nice work landing the job!
taking most of the day today to organize, rest and get ready to do the job in one afternoon:laugh:

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