Getting back on track
Hmmm, I'm not sure where to go with this. Personally, I'd like to continue on with the discussion about biodegradable bar oil as per the title of the thread. I'm in agreement that the tackifier is a sub-subject, but it seems to have taken front stage. I'll accept responsibility for that.
Glen mentioned that I seem to have an agenda against tack. In general, no. Actually I'm mildly fascinated by the stuff, but it is true I see absolutely no benefit of using it in <i>the one specific system</i> of which we're talking, and that is of a chainsaw bar and chain and sprockets.
The only reason I can say this and take a firm stance is because of direct experience in daily commercial use of almost 4 years using only supermarket shelf vegetable oils. If it didn't perform flawlessly I think I would have learned this within a relatively short time.
I am inviting all saw users to run gallon of veggie oil through their saws. If this would damage the chain, bar, drive sprocket, bar tip, or oiling mechanism, or if it would diminish the cutting performance in any way then I have painted myself as an idiot. With that risk spoken up front, I am inviting all saw users to run gallon of straight veggie oil through their saws.
The real issue I'M FEELING here is really not about tackifiers or any form of lubricant. I think it's about convention and <i>beliefs</i>. We see this all over. Resistance to change and having to own up that what we had previously held as truth is really not. Things are not always as they outwardly appear and just because certain truths are passed down to us from previous generations of arborists does not mean we have to stay married to them. Any thoughts on this?