I was cutting up a 24in dia red oak last summer. I was about halfway thru one of the larger sections when the saw just suddenly stopped cutting. Since the tree was laying in a gravle road, I thought I had just hit a rock. I put on another sharp chain and tried to finish the cut, saw went instantly dull. Now I know I didnt hit a rock this time but couldnt see anything that should dull the chain. Grabbed my other saw and finished the cut, no problems finishing the cut. rolled the round over and looked at the end and there was a very blue spot about halfway thru the cut. Metal, old bullet, I dont know, but I must have sawed right thru it. Only cut in the whole tree that acted that way and I found the blue spot all the way to the last butt round.
I personally think whatever I hit was probably a old bullet. I grew up and hunted in those woods and used to shoot up the world with my 22 rifle. It very well could have been a bullet I fired as a kid 40-50 years ago. Mom always said I would pay for my raising sooner or later.
I personally think whatever I hit was probably a old bullet. I grew up and hunted in those woods and used to shoot up the world with my 22 rifle. It very well could have been a bullet I fired as a kid 40-50 years ago. Mom always said I would pay for my raising sooner or later.