That is a statement of fact. The hole in the bottom of the air tube leading into the firebox of the King is not large enough to sustain a full burn of a full load of wood...... further.....
No one said it was for a full burn, when the off-gassing of the load drops significantly, it won't be enough to keep the cat active without adding more combustion air. This is many many many hours into a 40hr burn. Until that happens though, with dry wood and the stove installed according to the recommendations, it most certainly will. Do you think they just randomly guessed at the minimum air inlet without extensive testing? The VP of Blaze King already stated this to you, do you know more than him?
Another statement of fact. If the hole in the bottom of the air tube could support a full burn of a full load of wood, the stove would burn uncontrollably. If the hole could support a full burn of a load of wood, the need for a stat would be moot. But what does the stat do when the stove cools? Can a static hole make itself bigger? What happens to the draft and the velocity of combustion air as the stove cools in relation to the bi-metal spring opening the air inlet?
Which has 0 to do with the position of a cold thermostat.
You're stuck on a minimum and maximum for the stat, it's why you avoided my other rebuttal to this point. Focus on a "medium" heat output to understand the purpose of the stat.
Think of the fixed air inlet as the stoves minimum setting to support combustion (your lowest possible burn) for
many many hours into the burn and the stat as the device to run the stove in between that fixed minimum and maximum heat output. In your case, it sounds like 3 oclock is when the stat will start overriding your lowest possible burn. The stat will also provide an alternate
minimum combustion air inlet for less than ideal conditions, as in, insufficient draft, less than ideal wood, atmospheric conditions, and when the load isn't off gassing enough to keep the combustor active. This is what people refer to as their "low setting" on their dial.
My install (with the original factory combustor) could run for hours upon hours upon hours on the fixed minimum air inlet until the load's off-gassing dropped off, then I would have to adjust the stat for a new "minimum air inlet to support combustion" if that makes sense. Adding more and more and more minimum air through adjustments of the knob to keep the cat active with the lowest possible burn. I already stated this in a previous post. This was when I was seeing how long of a burn I could get out of the stove, I don't operate it like this, except for the oddball extremely warm day during the shoulder season that I wasn't expecting, it was more out of curiosity if the stove could live up to the manufacturer's claims. I'm also stating this so it may dawn on you that the stat won't do what you expect it to towards the end of a low burn during the shoulder season. You WILL have to bump it up occasionally to keep the cat from stalling, and yes, your cat stalled when you woke up to the cold stove.
Where did I state or infer this? Ive stated multiple times Ive done this with the Princess.
Below are your words.
Eventually once a day would be nice, but I'm not going to get that ambitious yet.
To get a 24hr burn is as simple as stuffing it, lighting it, going through the cold start process, adjusting the stat and coming back a day later.
With this post of yours Ive quoted, its clear that your ONLY intention is an attempt to find something to disparage me. You're harassing me now and I would encourage you to move on.
This is a funny statement. Harassing you? Seriously? If I was going to harass you I would of jumped into your "for sale" thread and told everyone you marked this sale up $1200. You no longer are selling the stove, you have it installed in your house. I was looking for clarification of what a "stand up guy" is. In my book, that's not a stand up guy. A stand up guy doesn't mark a sale up over 50% to a community he is a part of. It's not harassment, it's my opinion, and no, I won't be "moving on".
I don't disagree about BK's customer service. See my last post in regards to addressing the statement above. What I said is a statement of fact. In fact, I STILL haven't received a response from BK. Its not a slam, its a simple reality. People are busy right now, people are working from home. It is what it is. There was no ill intent. That you took it that way is something you need to work through.
Hold up, I thought you just said you were happy with their communication via email? You're running in circles.
That may work for where you live, but Im not running a stove when we get a week where the temps swing to 70 during the day and down to 40 at night. I dont NEED the stove running for 24 hours.
We don't run our stove under those conditions at all, I consider those nights great sleeping weather with my bedroom window cracked. Having said that, I'm not afraid to run a 24hour load with day time temps reaching 60-65 degrees (if the nights are cold enough) with this stove in fear of the house overheating. It's what's great about BK, you can run them so low during the shoulder season if they are installed properly and fed dry wood.
I have no doubt I will have satisfactory results with my stove on any setting I set it to, now that I am comfortable with the fact that my stat is correct and I have altered my idea of what should and wont work based on my stove.
I think you'll see a big change on how the stove operates once you start stuffing it to the gills.
Throwing a few sticks in there isn't giving an accurate indication of how this thing will operate, not even your "low setting" you are trying to figure out. It's just not enough off-gassing to keep the cat active at an extreme low setting. The performance of these stoves were engineered and based off a full load. FYI, I load North to South, I can fit more wood in there vs East to West, from your pics it looks like you're loading East to West. I also do a top down start on a cold stove, I get very little smoke out of the chimney this way and it gets the cat into the active zone faster.
I feel like I keep repeating myself. Youre hung up on the notion I dont know how the stove operates. MY SPECIFIC issue was MY SPECIFIC preconceived notion of the low setting on the stat. That issue has resolved itself yet here I am, saying it again.
I don't think you do. You're touting that you do, but your words say otherwise.
We would love to sell BK products, but there is a dealer too close to us and the Rep isn't comfortable rocking that boat.