Finished cutting the watershed job on Saturday so have a few days of while they skid the bunched logs to the header. That will give me chance to look at a couple of other jobs coming up for bid. Back on topic in November of 05 I bought a 575 with heated handles, 372 were getting hard to find, and the word out was Husky was going to do away with them. Well I was not very impressed didn't seem to any more power than the 372 for the extra weight, and was hard starting on cold days. Clutch went on it after a couple of months something that never occured on the 372.The crank went on it after little over 6 months of use. I would have to say after using the 576 for almost 2 months that Husqvarna seems to have addressed all the problems of the early 575 good power especially on the low end, starts easy, and is so smooth to run I think that is the best part. Now if the auto tune part holds up Husky imho will have hit a home run.