Yeah, mine is the craftsman, it's the same saw, I set mine at 13000 with a tach and with my homemade tool it's hard to tell how far out the screw is. I did take the screen out.
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Is the new Craftsman 50cc the same as this...i assume so ...also are you guys taking the exhaust screen out and what are you setting the high carb screw at - i had to lean mine out a tad
The oil pump is run by the crankshaft rather than the clutch so if it sits in one place while it is running it will make quite a mess, there is no adjustment.
Thanks, John. Not exactly what I wanted to hear!:msp_thumbdn:
It's the Poulan oil in the green jug.
This thing isn't just using oil -- it's leaking it!
My 5020, which I've used several times, is putting out too much oil to the bar. Is there any way to adjust this?
I will have quite a few more comments about this saw and some pix later.
Dave Jenkins
Better get em dang cheap, like less then $100 or you might as well just go buy one with a warranty.
A pawn shop near me had the Craftsman version of the PP5020AV, missing the top cover, for $60.00 "Clearance Priced" a few months back. I should stop in to see if they still have it.
A pawn shop near me had the Craftsman version of the PP5020AV, missing the top cover, for $60.00 "Clearance Priced" a few months back. I should stop in to see if they still have it.
If its just the small cover over the carb & sparkplug I'd go for it, Sears has parts pretty cheap.
I they still have it after some months they'l take $40 for it.