yup, gotta draw the line.
I'm thinking it's more like heat exhaustion got you. Powerade's too concentrated; drink cool water early & often & add a bit more salt to your regular food. Green grapes for snacks. Everyone's got a different tolerance level for eating & drinking while performing hard work in high heat. So take it slow; it will take a few weeks for your body to get used to this gig. I'm thinking that the storms coming through Kentucky in the next few days might be a good thing. Be safe....I guess I over hydrated...
Back in the sixties my brother took his basic training at Ft.Polk, LA. His DI busted his chops for calling his rifle a gun. He had to do 50 pushups while saying "I'm a dying cockroach" and kiss his rifle on each down-stroke. Now what do you pros require when one calls his bar a blade? How about when one says his blade is getting dull (speaking of course about his chain)? Or is all this blade talk just a southern thing? Ron