tree md
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Not sure. This oil has been ran through an industrial filter.
You can run your trucks on that stuff. Bio diesel.
I run vegetable oil in mine during the Summer months. I've got several 5 gallon containers of filtered oil that came out of restaurants that a friend from this site gave me... Can you say free bar oil for life??? I only use petroleum bar oil in freezing temps, as the veggie oil will gel.
You can run your trucks on that stuff. Bio diesel.
The guy I got the oil from had been doing just that. He was paying half the cost of fuel when prices were around $4 a gallon.
I was wondering what a Canola was that they got the oil from. haI use canola oil year round for bar oil. Canola is an acronym. One of the main uses it was was created for originally as an industrial lubricant. Canola stands for Canadian Oil, Low Acid.
Works great and will not pollute like a petroleum lubricant.
It also costs half as much as bar oil per gallon.
My 2 cents.
On jobs it is possible when using my boom truck, I throw the limbs directly into the bed of truck. I modified truck for this. throw the brush in first, then take logs down into brush so it has a cushion. I sometimes throw it into a trailers as well, especially on dead trees, ya know the ones that explode when they touch earth fast.
this technique has saved me a lot of cleanup. many times no raking. I have become good at hitting the mark. one trip with truck no chipper. less fuel use also, less need for help. this is how my business thrives,get it done with less.....
I once put six birch trees into the truck bed :msp_thumbsup:
I was wondering what a Canola was that they got the oil from. ha
I am going to start looking for a good source to purchase it in bulk. A side from the environmental aspects,(a Plus for lots of customers)I won't come home smelling like oil(or so the O'l lady says)after work. A win win.
I like the canola idea and would like to run, where do you get it?
Walmart or Costco. Try it for a few days and take note of you sinuses. An added benefit for me, no congestion.