I have little tolerence for self rightous spurless nancy boys like yourself who would be quickly electrocuted doing utility work, but I will attempt to educate your ignorant ass. Circular hydraulic pole saws do not leave stubs if used properly and leave a smoother collar cut than a chainsaw. The main feature which you are most likely ignorant of is that the are dielectrically tested, in effect "hot sticks", so they can be closer to the line than non-tested tools, like I said earlier. You can't do my job spurless climbing as you had to admit earlier and now you are beaking off about a job that you are not allowed to do here, go sit in the truck, or drag brush, whatever.BigJohn said:You can't make a good cut with a stick saw so stick it up your a$$. Get right up close and personal with a chainsaw and make a nice cut. I'm tired you line clearance hacks leaving dog ears and stubs everywhere and putting the sergents stripes all over a tree. I have no tolerance for that $h1t.
BigJohn said:Oh one more thing if thats you in that picture get a hair cut.
BigJohn said:I spent three years trimming high voltage lines, I hated being stuck in a bucket.
in other words the going got tough and the tough got going.