mega bucks
Jamie, no matter what craft you'll find craftsmen buy their own tools and/or tweak the tools to fit the work and themselves. Start with the smaller tools and work with your boss to buy the ones that work for you. If you are going to stay in this trade you have time to build a nice collection of your own tools. You don't have to spend mega bucks all at once. Your boss may go for buying it for you now and you pay him for it, so much a week out of your pay. That way you get what works for you and the boss gets a better equipped, faster, safer worker. Your boss should go for this if your a good long term employee but don't expect much if your the new guy with a bad work record.
Jamie, no matter what craft you'll find craftsmen buy their own tools and/or tweak the tools to fit the work and themselves. Start with the smaller tools and work with your boss to buy the ones that work for you. If you are going to stay in this trade you have time to build a nice collection of your own tools. You don't have to spend mega bucks all at once. Your boss may go for buying it for you now and you pay him for it, so much a week out of your pay. That way you get what works for you and the boss gets a better equipped, faster, safer worker. Your boss should go for this if your a good long term employee but don't expect much if your the new guy with a bad work record.