Bug repellent

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I rub poison ivy all over. Gonna be covered in it anyway. Pretty much only cut what falls on fences in summer.

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Deer flies were so bad in 2015 and seemed nothing was keeping them at bay. Invested in a mosquito jacket and haven't looked back. Just use care when removing brush to a pile.


:D Al
Deer flies were so bad in 2015 and seemed nothing was keeping them at bay. Invested in a mosquito jacket and haven't looked back. Just use care when removing brush to a pile.:D Al

I have a similar suit for mosquitoes in my area.

I also have used this deer fly tape to keep them from buzzing my head. I apply bug repellent to my neck, and then get revenge... :yes: http://www.deerflypatches.com/

This was a 10 minutes walk...
Normal bug spray doesn't work against ticks. You need something with Permathrin, and that's not supposed to touch your skin. So I spray my boots, socks, inside and outside of my lower pants with it the night before.

Seems to me that any ol' bug spray works just fine for the skeeters. Don't have the deer flies much around here, but those patches look like a great idea!
Normal bug spray doesn't work against ticks. You need something with Permathrin, and that's not supposed to touch your skin. So I spray my boots, socks, inside and outside of my lower pants with it the night before.

Seems to me that any ol' bug spray works just fine for the skeeters. Don't have the deer flies much around here, but those patches look like a great idea!
I just got a bottle of Sawyers Permethrin and will be trying it out soon.
Normal bug spray doesn't work against ticks. You need something with Permathrin, and that's not supposed to touch your skin. So I spray my boots, socks, inside and outside of my lower pants with it the night before.

Seems to me that any ol' bug spray works just fine for the skeeters. Don't have the deer flies much around here, but those patches look like a great idea!

I've had ok luck on ticks with high DEET repellents. Same with deerflies, but you really have to concentrate the repellent on the back of your neck and head. I agree that a lot of repellents will work for skeeters... The patches do work, and the 'revenge' factor is also fun!

And I've been in skeeters like shown in ValleyFirewoods video. It's hard to even believe that there can be so many!
I have used Buggins for gnats and other face flies and it seems to work. All natural ingredients so it does not botter putting it directly on skin. I have found it at Menards.
I used to work in a state tree nursery, over 100 acres surrounded by wooded wetlands. Nasty, nasty with skeeters in rainy years. My crew tried about every thing mentioned to repel them, but other then deet repellants, the others had little to no effect. In Alaska 1 year had noseeums get into my crotch. I had some Repel, think it was 50ish% deet gave them a dose of and got almost instant relief. Deet is my staple, the more the merrier. Might experiment with some of the new stuff but will keep a supply of deet products on hand as they have got expensive and ran low on supply on bad years before.
I use Repel and a few others. The stuff I have right now is 100% DEET.

The bugs aren't so bad as in the video at the shop thankfully. I've been in some spots out in the woods that firing a load of bird shot probably would have killed a few hundred!

I lived in Mtn Home Idaho for 4 years. One year it was big news on how bad the skeeters were. They even drove around down with big fogging machines on trucks spraying for them. I was thinking... huh?!. I saw maybe 2 or 3 dozen that whole season! I probably eat that many on acident in a week here!
Whats the best bug repellent you guys have found for cutting in the summer months. In indiana the mosquitos and deer flies can make it miserable to be in the woods

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I use Repel 100. Best bug repellent I've ever used. I'm in Indiana too, and I haven't been able to get into my cutting areas yet because it won't stop raining here. I was walking the woods the other day just to check, and it's way too mushy to start cutting. The damn skeeters were the worst I've ever seen them too.
I use Repel 100. Best bug repellent I've ever used. I'm in Indiana too, and I haven't been able to get into my cutting areas yet because it won't stop raining here. I was walking the woods the other day just to check, and it's way too mushy to start cutting. The damn skeeters were the worst I've ever seen them too.
I havent noticed them getting to bad yet but last year was terrible and i have a feeling it will b the same this year with all the rain

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Like AL said, put some clothes on, if you go out looking like you do in your avatar there's not much hope for you, as that bottle won't take care of them :laugh:.
Seriously they can get very thick here, I have light colored long sleeve shirts that came from a friend in India, they are very thin and cooler than a tshirt. Then I used the stuff in the picture on my neck, hand, and a bit on the runway (bald spot on my head) if it's too hot to have a hat on. I only spray one squirt into my hands and then spread it around after I'm done doing that I rub any excess off on my pants and shirt, this is nasty stuff and I don't want any more on me than I have to have on, especially when your sweating like mad and your pores are wide open :baba:.
I lived in Mtn Home Idaho for 4 years. One year it was big news on how bad the skeeters were. They even drove around down with big fogging machines on trucks spraying for them.

Our town has a truck that fogs the streets on a regular basis. Unfortunately it also wipes out the fireflies, but that's a price I'm willing to pay.
Near my log splitter where I store wood and spend most of my time, I drop powdered insect killer for lawns all over the place. Then I spray on typical insect repellents. That usually does it. That ten bucks that I spend in June on the powdered insect killer for lawns is worth its weight in gold. In August, I add another ten buck sack. Even the ants and roaches have trouble with it.