Business Insurance

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ArboristSite Operative
May 24, 2005
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I was wondering if anyone knew of any reasonable Business Insurance companies that operate in Virginia. I am in Richmond,Va any help will be greatly appreciated. My insurance company seems to want to hike up the prices when I haven't had any claims so now it's time for me to find a new company.
I just PMed you with some Richmond info, cheaper than Hartford, let me know if you need a contact name and a reference. Welcome to the site.
skyhightree1 said:
I was wondering if anyone knew of any reasonable Business Insurance companies that operate in Virginia. I am in Richmond,Va any help will be greatly appreciated. My insurance company seems to want to hike up the prices when I haven't had any claims so now it's time for me to find a new company.
try1-800 4336162. it also helps to under state your gross sales.
I want to Know what the workers comp rates are in other states for tree services climbers and ground men. here in California it is 49% I also have no claims but my liability ins. keeps going up by 700 or 800 per year. what can we do to get the government to set limitations I know it varies state to state but times are changing and these laws were created early in the last century to protect workers when will the laws start protecting the small business owner from unfair rate hikes? we must comply by law right? bullsnot insurance companies are investor owned they put up the money and farm out to brokers who derive a commision.These people sit on their ***** in back rooms screwing those of us who work and risk our lives.then when it comes time to deliver what we pay for we get minimal value back. then when a hurricane ,firestorm or other catastrophy occurs in some other part of the world ,our rates go up to insure the investors profits remain constant.It must change.