Butterfly II Setups?

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Mar 19, 2005
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North Shore MA
I am having trouble keeping my bent gate biner behind my right hand D-ring. I like to keep my chainsaw and sometimes my handsaw on it. The trouble is it always slips forward past my D-ring and I sometimes clip my lanyard into it....good thing I always look down and see, and dont just trust the clicking sound.

Have any of you stitched the bent gates into the saddle? Or how about Zubats? They dont stay on bent gates that well anyways, ever stitch them in there too?

Pics would be good of the set-ups also.
How big are your bent gates? I've got one on each side and they never go past the D's. It does slip around on the webbing sometimes though so actually stiching it is a reasonable idea.
I have my zubat in a weaver scabbard and that never comes off either.
I'm trying to think if mine are actually behind or in front of the D's!! It's in the truck on the mainland, so I can't check now. Pic tomorrow
BostonBull said:
I am having trouble keeping my bent gate biner behind my right hand D-ring. I like to keep my chainsaw and sometimes my handsaw on it. The trouble is it always slips forward past my D-ring and I sometimes clip my lanyard into it....good thing I always look down and see, and dont just trust the clicking sound.

Have any of you stitched the bent gates into the saddle? Or how about Zubats? They dont stay on bent gates that well anyways, ever stitch them in there too?

Pics would be good of the set-ups also.

I also use the BII saddle did you see the pic of the caritool bener I posted? You can get one from Sherrills for $6 and loop it through the webbing on the saddle. See the pics I attached would this work for you maybe? Sorry for the size of the picture...
JTinaTree said:
I also use the BII saddle did you see the pic of the caritool bener I posted? You can get one from Sherrills for $6 and loop it through the webbing on the saddle. See the pics I attached would this work for you maybe? Sorry for the size of the picture...

That is where I have my current biner. I am thinking of stitching it in place right there. hate how it slides in front of the small D. if the D's were bigger no problem.

OR Maybe have it externally stitched where the webbing is stitched closed behind that point.....I live next to a seamstress. ;)
BostonBull said:
That is where I have my current biner. I am thinking of stitching it in place right there. hate how it slides in front of the small D. if the D's were bigger no problem.

OR Maybe have it externally stitched where the webbing is stitched closed behind that point.....I live next to a seamstress. ;)

I see what you mean but would'nt this caritool notch eliminate the need for having one sewn in there? You loop it through the webbing belt, then slide it down on the notch/see attached picture..
JTinaTree said:
I see what you mean but would'nt this caritool notch eliminate the need for having one sewn in there? You loop it through the webbing belt, then slide it down on the notch/see attached picture..

Oh very good!!!! I will try one out they are cheap enough.
I am gonna place a order tomorrow for some goodies from Sherrill's. I plan to order 2 of them one for each side. I will have them teusday and will post some pics installed on the saddle. Maybe the guys over at Komet will see them and upgrade the saddle in the future ha!ha!.. I might of come up with something here??
Bermie said:
Pictures as promised
First two are Butterfly, my additions of clips, third is Tree Magic as it comes.

Bermie, I asume that is the Butterfly I saddle? I have never seen one before but I can see some of the same stuff on my BII. Do the biners rotate on the loop any while you are working? Also who makes the second saddle that you have pic of? It looks pretty comfy...
Yes its a Bfly 1, old faithful, sometimes the right hand clip rotates when my 020 is on it for a while.
The Tree Magic is made by Edelrid and once you get the straps set it is VERY comfy
Nice addition to my Butterfly II

Well, here are the pics as promised, I got my Bday goodies from Sherrills today. I installed the caritool biners and they fit good and tight. I don't think I will have problem with them moving around any. As a matter of fact I had to pry open the gate to get them to slide down on the three pieces of webbing stiched together on the saddle..

Also in my order was a brand new Petzl swivel Hey!!! I have been wanting one of these for 6 months. Ever get frustrated when on a split tail system, when your climbing line is getting all twisted up while moving in the canopy??Well for $60 you can have one of these little beauties on your bridge. This one is the small one and you can see it holds two carabiners fine. I believe these are great add on's to the butterfly II and can't wait to test them on a Maple TD Saturday..
Bermie said:
Any chance you can resize some of your pics for those of us on dialup??

Bermie, I will see if I can figure out how to get them smaller for you tonight...
JTinaTree said:
Well, here are the pics as promised, I got my Bday goodies from Sherrills today. I installed the caritool biners and they fit good and tight. I don't think I will have problem with them moving around any. As a matter of fact I had to pry open the gate to get them to slide down on the three pieces of webbing stiched together on the saddle..

Also in my order was a brand new Petzl swivel Hey!!! I have been wanting one of these for 6 months. Ever get frustrated when on a split tail system, when your climbing line is getting all twisted up while moving in the canopy??Well for $60 you can have one of these little beauties on your bridge. This one is the small one and you can see it holds two carabiners fine. I believe these are great add on's to the butterfly II and can't wait to test them on a Maple TD Saturday..

Nice set-up!! I also have that swivel. How does it slide on the bridge? Is it as nice as the ring that was on there?
I think it will slide fine, I just put it on so I will test it Saturday on a job.. It's got to be better than the ring that came on the bridge. Hopefully I can direct my focus on other things rather than my climbing line getting twisted up. I will keep everyone posted on how it worked.
Bermie said:
Any chance you can resize some of your pics for those of us on dialup??
Here you go Bermie these are supposed to be post card size. If they are still to big let me know maybe I can make them smaller.
JTinaTree said:
Here you go Bermie these are supposed to be post card size. If they are still to big let me know maybe I can make them smaller.

Ta much thats great! How much do those caritools cost? I like the look of your setup.

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