buy a 60ft 4x4 boom lift and don't look back

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oh yeah

i will race one of those man-lift jobbies and beat it nearly all the time. every day. unless the tree is way dead.
Ive been renting a 66 foot jlg until i bought my bucket truck and that extra 6 feet you get from that jib sure makes a difference. its a pain in the ass to haul BUT i must agree once you get it to the jobsite its alot faster and i think it reaches more.

Mmmmmm. Is that so? Well, after being around this business for thirty years and in my own business for 22 I learn something every day.
My daily cost on my bucket truck (2006 Int'l Altec 60/65) is between 100 & 125 per day. So as longs as I work each day. My cost is pretty low compared to paying 200 to move to each job.

I am not saying the 4X4 thing would not be good for some....but for most of my of my jobs it is between 1-4 hours in a bucket each day and the rest of the day for clean up and stump grinding. You also still have the issue of 'can you get your lift to the tree'. Those machines are heavy and they tear the #### out of yards. You can sell me on the hauling and unloading and hauling and is too time consuming.

Plus, I get a ton of work where all i need to do is show up and cut a few limbs from the driveway and then I head on down the road to the next job.

At the end of the day, if you are happy and it works for you...good for you...but don't act like you got this whole tree service thing figured out.

The fact is, unless you have just a ton of equipment and probably don't have an ideal set up for tree work. It is plain and is expensive to get the perfect set up and equipment line up.
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thanks clearance. i remember this guy too. fast food/grocery guys turned tree machines. very little pay/respect. how does he have more green things than me???!!! ooops, don't mean to beg, but i take this site for real. and just to stay on track, "mowing lawns in the air"?? is that what tree work is supposed to look/sound like?

Right on Kid, that was him, what a joke.
I bet your work looks beautiful crashin that 8 foot wide basket through the canopy. And I can only imagine how effective a straight boom is for moving through branches and around other trees, poles, wires, houses, and everything else that I'm sure is never in your way.

Got pics of your machine? Got some of your work? Because until I see 'em, I think you're full of BS.

Nice, nice. :)

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