Hexa Fox
The Fox Rocks!
"...What turns me off about them is the machines try to do everything and they do lack a good bit in a lot of the stuff they try to do...."
Size is determined by need and better than doing it by hand. Some people specialize in small equipment landscaping and do well. A mouse will take the whole slice of cheese one bite at a time.
That is the exact reason they were invented. Their size is nearly perfect for their original purpose which is mowing on steep banks. They can mow hillsides better and much faster than a team with string trimmers. Having that said, they are still excellent machines for this but you will easily spend $50,000 for the tractor and a couple attachments which is ridiculous if you ask me. I realize that you are paying for the science and quality behind the machine but that is still a steep price tag.
I have seen the power buckets move firewood before but that is not really going to help me personally unless I was processing a lot of it. It would be awesome to have something that I can detach from a skid or tractor (like a large FEL) and leave near my basement door when I get too lazy to carry wood in. It would also make carrying in wood a lot easier too. I forget what it is called but our basement is halfway into the ground so the steps outside have a concrete walkway coming down to the door. I could easily drop something like that off there and open my door and have access to firewood at waist/shoulder height. You can tell I have been thinking about this for awhile huh?