Buzz Work???

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TreeJunkie said:

I Love It!
me 2

ha i spat it with a mate the other night his dad is ex logger and he trys telling me so and so LMFAO!!!!!!!!!
getting a side bucks fine IMO but heres the three golden rules.
1.dont work cheap.this one you dont puch with
2.fill things back up with fuel.not some ashtray change
3.tell your boss if your using his ????.like a 120'T/D = going to trim a service wire,saying you need the chipper to clean up grandpas yard=your talking chit

of course i never did any of these :p "yes boss no problem the buckets fine parked at my house"LOL
huskycandoit said:
Lumberjack you are lucky to have grown up around a stump citter service I guess thats what you want to call it. You probably care less about trees and other aboriculture. You are just in it for the money. It was probablt one day it clicked in your head my daddy has a nice business I think I should take over one day and get all his money. And you probably kissed some major a$$ to get a rg50 unless it was a hammy-down.LOL And if you have so much more experience then husky when did u start climbing tree for business?

Dam, what is it and husky members starting stuff?

Its called Rutherford Tree and Stump Service, LLC. Check out our new, work in progress website at: Go to the referals, you will notice my name in there quite a bit.

I was 12 when we started the company fellas. Notice I said we. I posted my history on here, and I have never kiss anyones ass for a ???? thing.

Yes I am in it for the money, that is the idea of a BUISNESS. Just because I actually started the TREE side of the company and enjoy my work greatly and its benifits, your what? Jealous? Bitter? What? It seems sad that a person of yalls age would take the time to flame me, especially when you hold me to such low regard. You would think that your time is more valuable. (and yet I am sitting here, taking my time to respond to this??)

This is a part time biz for 9 months of the year because I am a full time college student and my father is a local truck driver for ABF Freight Systems.

I didnt say I had more experiance, I said I was ahead of him, years ahead. He makes 12 dollars an hour and he does nothing but complain and flame me. The lowest I pay someone is 8 bucks an hour. I have been doing tree work for 2 years in August.

I seem to have forgotten, but have I flamed the husky(whatever ending) members before or called them out? I honestly dont remember, and cant figure out why husky(288xp) is frequently posting right after me calling me names and provoking drama.

I am planning on being at the fall TCI show this year, maybe we can see eye to eye on this then if your there, and I make it. I have NOTHING to prove to anyone on this board, I hold many here to a high respect. However I refuse to allow my name and character be dragged through the mud by two people hiding behind a computer, who have never takin the time to get to know me, much less have any real bearing on who I am.
I also find it odd that both husky members are from PA. The local mayor is from PA.

Only a couple dozen people above the mason dixion that I give a rats rear about, yankees as a whole are totally different people with a totally different mindset.


Side jobs are a natural part of being in almost any trade. You cant expect guys, especially if they dont get paid to well, not to want to do side jobs. If they want to do them, help them do them but let them know how much you and your equipment will cost for the time. Not letting them use your gear will mean they will get there own and then start being real competition. If they find work for you company give them a finders percentage.
Lumber(whatever then ending is)

Im only 14 and more sucessful business man then you. You would have nothing if it wasn't for daddy. I have been cutting grass since I was 8 and now thats my full time occupation. Mon-Thurs Grass Care Fri-Sun Tree Care. So I guess we've been in "Business" the same amount of years but in the tree field we been doing work since the summer of 01. So if I through a stick will you go fetch and get the hell out!!

Please no personal attacks.
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Thisis too sweet. If company owneres paid their workers agood wage then they wouldnt need to do siidework in order to keep their families clothed and fed in some cases, and in others have extra money to actually live a little bit. But hey their just workers right and having them "steal" work that belongs to the benevolent fat cat who is so kind to provide them with a job is just wrong. Give me a break. Man up :blob5:
P_woozel said:
Thisis too sweet. If company owneres paid their workers agood wage then they wouldnt need to do siidework in order to keep their families clothed and fed in some cases, and in others have extra money to actually live a little bit. But hey their just workers right and having them "steal" work that belongs to the benevolent fat cat who is so kind to provide them with a job is just wrong. Give me a break. Man up :blob5:
Bit of an inferiority complex old boy? ;)
Husky, If you are so unhappy with who you work for, then why do you work for him? You say your a Cert, Arborist that is underpaid. Walk!! When I have worked for employers that I didnt like thats what I always did. The guys who stay and complain usually arent as good as they think. My 2 cents worth.
Personally I never minded " seasoned, trusted " employees using my equipment to do side jobs for some extra cash. I would take a small cut of what they were making and ask they put the fuel they used back into the tanks of the truck(s). They would have to do this anyway if they had to rent the equipment.

Most side jobs are done for in-laws or some "buddy" of theirs. Normally these people wouldn't call and go through regular channels anyway, probaly wouldn't hire us any way to do a job at regular rates.

What really does make me mad is moonlightening R.O.W. workers, or worse yet in my opinion are employees of a town or city that has a full time forestry dept. who moonlight on the side. I am not talking about doing small jobs for friends and relatives, but those who do jobs that would normally go to the private sector guys. The way I look at it is, these guys are getting a decent wage, plus some benefits that they don't have to provide for themselves, of course they are not carrying insurance either, sure they are going make money, how could they not, it is easy when you don't have much overhead to pay for.

Part timers who moonlight don't see that they are stealing other people's work and livelyhood. I look at it this way, if your going to be in business, then be " in business " and tow the line like everyone else, none of this half way stuff. I put my little two sense in here, it doesn't do any good because it isn't going to change a darn thing, it is the American way of thinking, have a full time job and do trees on the side for cash and screw the guy who does it for a living trying to provide for his family, but who cares about him.


I think that you're on the wrong track. People working a second job have the right to do that no matter what the first job is. I do agree that anyone should have insurance to assure that the public has some compensation in case of injury or damage.

Overhead has nothing to do with professionalism. The best arbo I know in the whole world owns a one ton chip truck, 9" chipper and a 2 wheel drive ATV. He does better work than any other tree company that I've crossed paths with.

The guy who got me into treework did side jobs all of his life. Before doing treework he put up chainlink fences. His first job was with the phone company. He made good money there. Doing side jobs did bring in some money but much of that was for his use not his family's.

When I ran my company I had some simple rules about sidejobs:

If they saw a job while they were working for me and went back later to "sell" the job, it was mine. They wouldn't have had the opportunity to see the job unless they were on my payroll.

Sidework could not interfere with my work. No calling in tired or sick because they did a side job in the evening instead of getting to sleep.

If they took the initiative to sell a job while they worked for me they would get 10% of the gross plus wages to do the job.

If they did sidejobs they could hire me to do the chipping or hauling.

That's pretty much it.
Tom you hit that nail square and sank it with one blow! The concept that I or anyone else is taking work from someone else is asinine. Side jobs are a result of need or desiire, whwy not praise the drive it takes to put in a loyal focused 40-50 hrs at the "job" and then work another 12 hrs on the days off to meet ones needs. Again, I look at other proffessions that require a similar amount of experience, education, and tools and we are undervalued quite a bit. So, inferiority complex? Not at all, just recognizing the situation and evaluating it. :cool:
I think its funny that a few folks seem to think that paying a decent wage to an employee will somehow deter them from doing sidework. Can anyone honestly say they make enough money and do not need any extra income ever ?? I agree employees should not steal (underbid) work from their employers. I would guess most of the larger scale companies have that policy anyway. When I had a full scale tree business I would not be happy if I found out employees were soliciting work during my paid time. If a job was solicited outside of my work environment and they needed help I would always be willing to offer the service at a price fair to both of us. I also agree that if you are going to offer a service you should be licensed and insured. JMHO for what it is worth.

I am not against anyone doing trees part time and having a full time job. What I have the problem with is part timers with full time jobs who short cut by not having the insurance and playing by the rules we all should be following if your going to be " in business " . The playing field should be level, that is all I care about, doesn't matter if a person is part time or full time, if they are being professional in what they are doing, so much the better, that makes us all look good.

People do have a "right" to have a second job, in this case doing trees, the system allows it, but when that same system allows them to slide by the rules, then there is something wrong with the system.


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