I am a snake oil salesman
So rather than being just arboricultural snake oil salesmen, the installation speed and lower cost of these dynamic systems worsens that title further, making proponents/installers of dynamic cabling, expedient and cheap snake oil salesmen.
So thankfully useless hypotheticals are gone!
Now we come down to the next issue and that is name calling.
OK if that is the best you can do; there are no real issues left.
I am a snake oil salesman. I know a lot about snake oil, I know what it can do and I recommend it only for those purposes. No it will not cure baldness. Please read on
So my snake oil is cheap or do you mean value for money. I guess you haven't noticed that the more expensive watches are brands like Rolex and yet that does not mean they keep better time than a digital watch that is a hundredth of the price. Some people make decisions on functionality (what works best in each situation) ... it is clear that you are not one of them.
I have to tell you I don't know the difference in the cost between the two bracing systems and I use and sell both. We charge based on the value of what it does not on what it costs us to do. I do know that my clients love the fact that we care about their trees and we build long term relationships that include repeat visits.
Selling any form of bracing under the pretence that is a one time fix for all time is a very questionable approach.
We have established that different techniques serve different functions and you have made clear that you see no value in preventative bracing. That is your choice but I think it is a bit hard on your clients trees. Most of my clients like keeping the trees healthy and are proactive in that regard. Oddly enough preventive care is often cheaper than remedial care.
Seems like the people who see dynamic bracing as snake oil sales are not very smart. It seems that they allow the panacea mentality of fools to distract them from the true benefit of the product. Yes I sell good quality snake oil at a value for money price. Snake oil is high in omega 3 fatty acids and is good for your health ... see below ... now fancy that!
From wikipedia
Snake oil sold in San Francisco's Chinatown in 1989 was found [4] to contain:
75% mostly unidentified carrier material, including camphor
25% oil from Chinese water snakes, itself consisting of:
20% eicosapentaenic acid (EPA) - an omega-3 fatty acid
48% myristic acid (14:0)
10% stearic acid (18:0)
14% oleic acid (18:1ω9)
7% linoleic acid (18:2ω6) plus arachidonic acid (20:4ω6)
The Chinese water snake (Enhydris chinensis) is the richest known source of EPA, the starting material the body uses to make the series 3 prostaglandins. These prostaglandins are the biochemical messengers that control some aspects of inflammation, rather like aspirin, which also affects the prostaglandin system. Like essential fatty acids, EPA can be absorbed through the skin. Salmon oil, the next best source, contains 18% EPA. Rattlesnake oil contains 8.5% EPA.