Can I stop trees from growing on an angle?

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ArboristSite Lurker
Oct 30, 2006
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Hi -

I have two maples at the front of our property that I am concerned are going to start gowing at an angle. Here's the info:

Bought and planted from a local nursery they were about 10 feet tall at purchase (1 yr ago) and are now about 12' tall. They get a lot of wind where they are as we are on the other side of mountains and have regular and sometime heavy winds. One of the trees has started to lean at a noticable angle. Both trees were staked on two sides with very tall stakes, wire, tube but were not staked in a way to protect them from the wind. In other words the staking was roughtly at 90-180 degrees to where we typically get out wind from. I'm very concerned that two trees, set a part nicely form others, will grow at an angle and really look bad.

Is there anything I can do not to correct for protect from this?

sounds like you really are lost there buddy. Uhm, Mayhap you should stake it right this time?
If you are eroding, add .
Stake them with 3 stakes, each spaced evenly around the tree. This way you have complete support all sides. Try and keep the bracing lines 1/2 to 2/3 of the way up the tree. Preferably on the 2/3 side of things.