Can my apple tree be saved?

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New Member
Jul 14, 2019
Reaction score
Colorado Springs, CO
Hi all, we just bought a new house that has had nearly all landscaping horribly neglected as it was a rental for years before we bought it. I have already had to remove 6 dead and dying trees in our yard as they were dropping large branches. This apple tree also is in very rough shape but we would love to save it if possible.

From the reading I have done, it seems like my best chance at its survival is to spread mulch near it but not on the trunk, water it and then come fall give it a prune taking off about 1/3 of the branches. Is this the right course of action or would there be anything else that may work better?

One other concern, is it too far gone to even have a chance at saving? I know fruit trees do better in full sun and this tree is on the west side of my house so in the shade more that what I assume is ideal. Currently it is producing small fruit but we have not been here long enough to know what they will look like when ripened. The brown spot in the canopy is where a branch broke partially off during a nasty, late season snow storm.

I'll attach pictures for reference.

Thanks in advance!




It has small fruit because maybe it's a crab apple?
Mulch, deadwood & clear from building. Avoid crown reduction and shaping unless needed to reduce size, only done during dormancy.
I advise my customers to let their trees grow to their natural size & shape.
First year remove any dead/diseased branches, and those that cross each other. Branches growing downward
You have an ugly scar on one trunk, might be fine for while, but it's towards the house. If you remove that it will open up light for other trunks. They are searching for light given the shape of the tree. Sure West side not North side of house?

See attachments for more ideas.

Raintree, where are you? I'm way out northwest Ma and Vt, as far as I can get from Basstun.


  • renovating apple trees.pdf
    872.2 KB
  • pruning aplle trees.pdf
    1.3 MB
  • fruit tree pruning.pdf
    1.6 MB
Thank you guys for the great advise so far!

The side of the house the tree is on is definitely facing west although the tree is towards the northern side of the house.

As far as apple tree variety, I am not sure but will attach a picture of the fruit on it so far as I would love to know for sure the variety. We have been in this house less than 2 months so I am not sure what it will look like as we get through the growing season.

The branch with the big scar was definitely a big concern because as you mention, it is near the house. I wasn't sure if it would be possible to bring it back to life but it is sounding like removing it would be ideal for the overall health of the tree so that may make a nice winter project.

Thanks again!


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