Cannot start MS260

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OP you need to pull that cylinder off, and I bet you are going to need a new Cylinder and piston don't buy cheap China knock offs buy OEM STIHL.
Yep. My 015L didn't run with the China coil, but ran fine with the OEM one. I'm glad I didn't throw it away initially.
What can make it go so bad after just a dozen or two hours? It has never ran without oil in the mix.
Super lean condition caused by an air leak in the engine like a seal or gasket, also phase separation where the gas is so old, look it up. But that really looks like straight gas damage to me . Pull the cylinder off and post both sides of that piston, my money is on straight gas. Anyway way you need to tear it apart.
What can make it go so bad after just a dozen or two hours? It has never ran without oil in the mix.
Running it too lean, or WAYYYY to rich which is unlikely. The carb may have been out of adjustment as well.
Don't really matter at this point if you or someone else straight gassed it or per chance did you sometime in the past give it a big shot of starting fluid and washed the oil film off the piston and when it did start. the piston was dry and scored itself? Somewhere in the past, either you did it or someone else did it and it only takes a few seconds of a dry piston to impart that damage. In your first post you stated you used carb cleaner sprayed in the intake.

Per chance did you use carb cleaner in the past. carb cleaner is just as dry as starting fluid and should NEVER be sprayed in ANY 2 stroke saw or weed whacker or anything 2 stroke for that matter. That stuff is instant death for a 2 stroke engine.

I still think you need to take it to a Stihl authorized dealer and have them rebuild it, from you comments again, I don't believe you have the expertise to rebuild the top end and it could need crank seals as well. 2 years on e-gas can destroy a saw due to phase separation. Take the carb cleaner and starting fluid and put it on the shelf far away from any 2 stroke engine.

Have fun I'm done here.
Or using crappy dollar store oil.
maybe trufuel as mentioned above?
stuffs straight garbage, so is motomix, VP Racing for the win on premix fuel, I've heard Aspen fuels are good too but ive never tried them

not to start the HP Ultra debate, but that oil is hot garbage too, only issues I've ever had out of any of my engines, either not starting, or scored/melted pistons, plugged up spark screens etc were all caused by motomix or HP ultra
Echo RedArmor is supposedly a really nice oil, AmsOil is fantastic, I've sorta heard the "high performance" orange bottle stihl oils are good but I'm not gonna buy any
What would it cost 500.00?
yeah and at the price of an MS260, or even a 261, better off just buying a new saw

depending on the cylinder kit, im seeing them from $25 to $400, the $400 is a meteor kit with everything including a brand new spark plug and all the gaskets, which id say are probably all going to need replaced

also I find it weird, I bought my 261 a few years ago and its piston was scored, ran it for a couple years and finally it wont run hot, so time to rebuild, but itll start and run and its probably atleast as bad if not worse than OP's 260

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