Today I was out doing my thing (cutting oak) with my trusty Stihl 028 and it did not want to 4 stroke.I enriched it up and still no 4 stroke.Anyway,back in the garage I had a new carburetor kit on hand and proceeded to spray all internal passages with cleaner.Removed the tab screw that holds the pin that allows gas to enter the diaphragm. A small spring is on one end of this.Anyway, while going to reassemble the spring went AWOL.I spent close to an hour but relocated it. IS their a special method to properly get this spring to stay put during assembly?It made repeated attempts at securing freedom however I managed to reinstall it into it's cell.
Side note, the saw in question now 4 strokes the way it is supposed to.Great throttle response!Thanks Ken
Side note, the saw in question now 4 strokes the way it is supposed to.Great throttle response!Thanks Ken