Chain Loops:
Hello Grande Dog. My problem is I do run across some odd size bar and chain combo's and sizes on these old saws. I don't make up a lot of chains, but get into repairing them or making up a chain, ocasionally for them. With all the suppliers out there, I can usually order any size loop of what ever chain I need if it's available (.325, .375, .404). The problem is getting the odd chain sizes like 7/16, 9/16, 3/4 and sometimes 1/2). Usually its easier to convert those sizes to more common chain sizes used today. If I do there's no problem if the right chain gauge andsprockets are available, etc. I just order or have made up the loops I need. But I do run into instances where I would like to keep the original chain on a saw and need to shorten, or repair it. I usually get by by breaking the chain with and punch and reassembling it by peening it back together. I don't use the saws that much, but worry that the chain could come apart or break. So I got to thinking that the vice-grip style breaker/spinner might work a bit better for what I would use it for and ease my mind a bit. Can't really see, for what I need, the expence of a regular breaker/spinner set up. I'll have to check with one of the local saw shops here and see if I can arrange to have them repair my chains, if I or they have the links, at a nominal cost. One dealer here, I talked to about repairing a chain I needed shortened (a common 3/8 chain, that was brand new), basicly said he didn't know if he had the links. Crap, bottom line was I didn't buy the chain from him, so he didn't want to bother with it or wanted me to buy a shorter chain from him instead. So I may contact the other dealer, who is farther out of town and see if he'll work with me. So there's where I am. Thanks for everyone's input. Take care. Lewis.