I run mine with a 36" bar, and full skip square ground Oregon .375, .050 gauge. It is the 7.7 hp dual port muffler model, gutsier than the current comp. release model. I'd love to get it hopped up, however, 066's are one of the best stock saws going, according to Ken Dunn.
I'd run my 28 bar, but I have a Madsen's tuned 372 with 24 and 32 inch bars for smaller stuff, plus 044's and 036's. As much of my work is in the air, lightness is more important than speed. Plus, we don't cut a lot of true hardwoods, so short bars have less value.
The 066 is getting less use since I had Dennis massage my 3120 into one incredible chip spewin' machine! I have a 36 bar w/ new chain that I'm gonna put on, then we'll really see some chips fly. Usually run a 42 on it, and the 60 incher gets used now and then. Plus, I'm gonna have to put on the 24 and time some cuts, to see how soundly it whomps on the 372-24".