my ropeguide
after seeing the rope guide i was inspired to make my own. agreeing that it is an expensive tool I decided i would make my own before i bought one.
Ive attached a pic of the one i made, it functions the same as a RG, but cost probably a third of it to make. Having used mine almost daily for close to 6 months, i can see the advantage of the"puck" used for adjustment versus a hitch (like mine).
Having not used an actual RG i can only speculate, my guess is that the advantage of the sliding puck comes into play during retrieval. when the line falls from the pulley and cathes in the shackle, the pull on the shackle rotates the puck in a manner that it can slide down to the end of the loop thus opening up the loop as large as possible making removal easier?
when retrieving my setup the retrieval link is pulling from the end of the loop, this can cause the whole loop to spin around the branch and snug tight making for a potential jam.
I have not gotten it stuck yet, but as Tom had mentioned in another post that sometimes you can lose your rope right out of it thus leaving your RG abandoned in the tree.
The hardware in my setup meets and exceeds minimum ratings for false crotches, and was even approved for competition by M. Chisholm himself
I guess this would be my 2nd draft of the drawing board, and i plan to make more soon. Finding and testing various sizes of components for the seystem is the hard part, ideally i would like to find the same pulley as in the original RG.
Who knows, next time I see Tom Im sure he'll offer me to try his RG then i'll be hooked and just have to break down and buy one.
Tom is good for that!!