Chainsaw storage question

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My first chainsaw was a small Stihl. It belonged to my Grandfather who used it for de limbing. Anyway he passed on and that saw sat for about a year. I took it out to clean up some limbs that had fallen down on my Grandmothers house. The saw would not start. Hmmm So I took it to the local Stihl repair shop and he cleaned all of the Varnish out of the carb. Gas goes bad and then evaporates. This leaves a nice gummy residue covering everything the gas was in contact with. Then this residue dries out and becomes like a powder which clogs every hole or jet in the carb. Stabil has worked for me on all of my small engines. Lawn mower weed eater chainsaw and motor cycles. The gas stays fresh and doesent turn to varnish. We have about 6 to 7 months of winter here in Nevada and the engines dont even see light until its time to come out and work or play. Last year my brother forgot to Stabil his fuel and you could tell the diffrence between my bike and his. His gas was crap and would make his bike run like crap. Stabil does work. I now just add a bottle of Stabil to every 5 gallon can I use for my small engines (Lawn mower weed eater and chainsaw.) The bikes go through so much gas I dont worry about them until it gets to cold to ride. Hope this helps. AND for all you who think it dont snow in Nevada it does. -35 below last winter WITHOUT wind chill.
Well it's been a touch week guys - my son was diagnosed with ADEM (Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis) last Tuesday evening and my wife and I have been at the hospital ever since. I'm at work now (only part time) because his condition improved greatly, but the day we brought him in he couldn't walk. 2 days later he couldn't use any of his arms or legs, had spasms down both legs and one arm, and was in extreme pain. He's better in the fact the spasms have slowed to a trickle and he has movement and feeling in all arms/legs, but motor skills are rough. We have a long road ahead, but I just thank God that he's alive and will recover.

Thank you for all the responses and we'll get through this. Christian is a tough boy and he loves to hang out with Dad in the garage, so I told him we'll have to build his own tool bench once he gets out of the hospital.

Thanks again guys for the support (and the great information on my 028)...

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