Chainsaw Tuning

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New Member
Jan 31, 2017
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Hey guys,

Brand new to the site and looking for some help/advice.

I have a Husqvarna 435 (41cc w/ 16" bar) that I mainly use for limbing and and cutting smaller logs/trees. My saw has never had anything done to it other than general maintenance and cleaning performed by me.

The saw isn't running just exactly right.....don't get me wrong, it doesn't have anything mechanically "wrong" with it, it just doesn't seem to run out as strong or hard as I feel it should.

It seems to "pulsate" when running at full throttle and it doesn't sound to me that it's reaching its full rev potential.

I've been doing a lot of research on this site (prior to signing up) about muffler mods, removing limiter caps and tuning. As far as the muffler mod, I feel confident that I could do that on my own, but I really wouldn't want to get into trying to tune it on my own.

Do any of you guys out there know of a good "saw guy" that's capable of these mods around the Knoxville, TN area?

Thank you in advance!!!
If it ran good before and now is hesitating at high speed it probably needs the carb cleaned. Although a simple tuning may clear it up too.

There are tons of folks from TN on the site if you want someone else to handle it.

Also-welcome to the site!
Thank you SVK. I apologize for the confusion....the saw has ran that way since new (appx 2-3 yr). It's not a problem that has developed over time.

I don't use the saw day in day out and I also went from using an old worn out saw that didn't run real well to the Husky, so I really didn't think much about it at first. Also, I've been able to cut a lot more last year and especially this year than I have in the past, so I'm using the saw a lot more now and therefor noticing it more now.

I also clean the air filter after every 1-2 loads of wood I cut and do a complete saw clean after every 4-5 loads. I've done this since it was new.

Thanks again!
Probably just needs to be tuned and limiters removed. Those darn things are always in the way.

My polesaw was the worst. It would only rev up about halfway because it was tuned so lean.

We can very easily walk you through tuning. If you can use a screwdriver you can do it.