chipped my saddle....

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Apr 20, 2002
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suburban Philadelphia, Pa
No time to tell the whole story tonight... today was the first time anyone else used my new saddle... no one asked me... I was picking up a stump grinder and within an hour..... the sadle went through the chipper..... biners, microcender lanyard, Zubat, chipper knives.... trashed in a second.... as usual in a work related accident it was caused by a combination of errors....

I was distraught..... clearly reminded me of the heartbreak of loosing my highschool sweetheart one summer night many years ago....

And making Murphy's Law happen in reverse.... I get to buy a Butterfly..... Maybe I'll be thanking someone.... "best thing you ever did for me was throw that saddle through the chipper"
Maybe it even saved my life... As humans we just lack the perspective to understand the fullness of cause an effect in any situation....
God Bless All,
oh dear me. a combination of errors maybe but there's no way that should happen. i hope nobody was hurt as a result.
Chipped,.... not as in 'nicked'

Murph.... so, so sorry. I nearly wept for you, brother. We should all collectively assume a piece of that pain and help you through the mourning process. I really don't think you're ever going to be thanking anyone for that IDIOT move.

I doubt anyone out here is sending out feelings of compassion for the guilty party. If you have to beat him with the stupid-stick, whack him once good and tell him it was from the Tree Machine.
That's it buddy, ya can find the seed of light in the midst of all the black, if that is what ya turn to in the circle symbol...... Evenst if ya have to gooooooo ....."Counter Intuitive" to tap that power, eh Daniel? ;)

Impact can werk against ya if load gets it against ya on that leg of the line, but impact can werk for ya in pretightening the control leg first, just depends on how ya let that impact force to be accessed in your system and when!

Heck i remember so distinclty ... oh ya prolly herd that one B4!

Or somethinglike that!

P.S.-Of course, wee can understand if you had thoughts of asking the perpe-traitor to chase and catch saddle, after all that is a lil'easier for them to do; more so than building a time machine in 4 1/2 seconds and undoing what they done as you steam over'em fuming like this..... :angry:
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You should gather up all the pieces and save them for future reference when your workers arent being careful around the chipper, you could give them a piece of it as a reminder.

Yeah, you said "chipped" and I thought you nicked a plastic buckle or something like that. That thing was definately "chipped!"

So how did it happen?

WOW, that was around $500 worth of gear!

I know some guys who will make the one who screws up wear a bright yellow tshirt with "I'm the stupid guy"on the back.

Would the whole crewe have to wear that?
Holy, moly, Murph! The thought of it makes my stomach hurt! If you can see something good in it, more power to you. I can hardly imagine what it would feel like to lose my rig like that. That picture is awesome, or is it awful?

I guess it's better to laugh than cry...can you imagine the big, round eyed look on the faces of the crew when it dawned what had been done??
Nobodys even talked about that poor chipper! How much damage did it sustain?

If nobody 'fessed up to what really happened, I would make EVERYBODY that was involved pay equally to buy a new saddle.

But thats just me.
Thanks all for the compassion. It feels good to know there is someone out there that understands....
There have been no "punishments"... the full story will have to wait until I get back from a trip this weekend... going to Falcon Ridge Folk Fest.... in NY state...
And the good news is that good things are already happening..... (making lemonade)... I called Big Jon yesterday (it was actually his saddle) and we got together today after he finished work... He sold me his new butterfly, which is slightly too big for him, modified my biner setup, and brought a friend to do some climbing and together we finished a couple of big pruning jobs...
I also spent $186 at the arbo shop this morning on biners, lanyard, zubat etc... So I Am geared up better than ever...
The butterfly feels like a bathing suit compared to the Masters... Hope the climbing is as comfortable as wearing it.
Plus I boxed up the pieces for Tom Dulop's"collection".... I've believed for years it's possible to turn any adversity around into a positive by looking for the opportunity, and using creativity and action to make something good happen, rather than focussing on the negative by getting angry or feeling sorry for myself....
We human beings just lack the perspective to understand the fullness of cause an effect in any situation...
I may be thanking that guy sooner than I thought...
And as for the chipper... I was surprised how well it did..... there was a 50 Kn steel biner on that saddle... one side of the blades were beat to death.... went back to the shop and flipped them and was back chipping in an hour...
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The remains of the saddle will be added to my "Dead Climbing Gear" display. There are samples of bent biners, burned and snagged ropes, trashed saddles and now, the ultimate, shredded saddle.

The display goes to meetings for people to see what bad gear looks like. I've talked with climbers who say that their ropes look like my collection. I hope that those climbers will learn to get rid of bad gear.

damaged equip

Tom how about a close-up pic of the metal parts, D ring and beiner? Never chipped a saddle.

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