Christian's 372XPG

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and here is the cylinder right before it got machined...all of the port timing work is now done...with a final check of figures when the lathe is finished with it...should be cutting wood on Saturday :D
Oh, man! I had to wipe drool off the keyboard just to type this message! As I said earlier, I don't really understand all the intricities of what is being done, but it sure does look cool. And I know it'll cut like a demon in the woods.

I can't wait to take that thing to the annual meeting of the U.P. Pa't Whackers Society for our little lumberjacking contests between the morning and evening hunts on days 1 and 3. I can just hear the other guys, especially the Yoopers, gnashing their teeth in anger as I, a simple Troll from Under the Bridge, cut to an easy victory.

Thanks for posting the pics, Dennis. I'm really looking forward holding the saw in my hot little hands.

macro lens

Doug...was just on the phone with Mike Rupley, and he said the same I found the macro function on my try for better pics tonight...

Christian...I will let you know the second it leaves the shop here...and I should have some (better) pics later...

Brian...I was thinking those exact thoughts reading Christians
No choice at all, Brian. I found one of those papoose-style carriers at Mountain Equipment Co-op, so I'll just tote the little tyke with me in the woods. Kidding, of course, at least as far as the sawing goes. Maybe a little pheasant hunting, though....

Besides, Bub's going to need to learn how to file chain for the old man, gas a saw without getting crud in the tank, and fill the oil tank from a jug (Ohhh, that word again) without dribbling it all over the side. He's going to have to learn sometime, and why not sooner than later?

Seriously, though, at what point does a child understand that if he doesn't do what he is told, i.e., stand there and watch, he could get hurt very badly? In other words, when can my boy/girl go out for some time with their [sic] dad in the woods? (This also applies to gardening, cutting the lawn, blowing snow, or other like activities where sharp and/or powered tools are being used.) Sure, every kid is different, but how about some guidelines? Is there a certain age, or probably more important, certain indicators of maturity that I can look for? But I digress...
Maybe Darin could open a new forum for those of us new, or soon to be new, parents that love trees and saws, where these questions would be more relevent.

Thanks again for the pics, Den.

Hi Christian,The first indicator (of your undivided attention)is when the little one starts walking.It is amazing how far away and the predicaments they can get into when you are distracted for only a moment.Although my inlaws would frown,I really enjoyed hearing my 2yr old daughter say chainshaw.
With two "buns in the oven," so to speak, I can hardly contain myself. I just got off the phone with the other charter members of the UPPWS and made them aware of my pending victory, as well as the other, more important, news of my wife's condition.

The by-laws of the club require notification, within 30 days, to the other members, of any substantial change in the status of a member that will affect his ability to disappear to the U.P. for a week of slinging arrows at deer and lead at pa'ts. Such changes include, but are not limited to, new girlfriends, marriage, or terminal illness. Though Lori and I are expecting in April, and this should not affect my attendance of the meeting this October, I felt honor-bound to relay the news.

There is also a UPPWS by-law that requires notification of any new dog, gun, or piece of motorized equipment that could substantially affect the outcome of the contests, or the overall success of hunting, at the meeting. These contests are informal, and are judged by the other contestants, which makes a win so much sweeter. I am just lying in wait, since the rules do not require pre-disclosure of modifications to off-the-shelf or stock equipment. As far as they know, I've just got a 372XPG. After this year, I'm sure the rules will be changed. But I pity the guys that bet a case of Goebel or a fifth of McGillicutty's Vanilla Schnapps against me and my saw this year!

No worries. I'd smoke those Old Style-swilling Yoopers with a dirty, rock-bit chain anyhow. Just the noise from a 2x piped Greffardized saw will have those boys' sphincter puckered.

Jeepers, I'm starting to sound like Lambert!

Take your time. I figure it's like good stew... takes a little extra time to get it just right, but worth it in the end.

Anyhow, I've got a great setup on the cutting end to make full use of the extra power. There's a new Cannon bar and slightly touched-up 73LG chain waiting on the workbench. I just need to kick some Yooper butt this year on the saw competition. I'll put the 372 to it's intended use after I make them howl twice. Once for losing, and again over forking over the McGillicutty's. Plenty of good trees to drop this winter, after it's over.

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