ArboristSite Operative
Sure must have been heavy. Was it 1000 lbs or more?
It was heavy - if by light you mean not enough to break my rope

I would guess it was ~1000 pounds with every little twig and leaf.....
Sure must have been heavy. Was it 1000 lbs or more?
It was heavy - if by light you mean not enough to break my rope
I would guess it was ~1000 pounds with every little twig and leaf.....
Was the rope old and worn I am guessing? Any sharp edges that maybe cut it?
Glad you're gonna be okay. Very fortunate the block didn't hit you, probably wouldn't have turned out as well. I've rigged just as you described but I always step up a rope size or two for the line going over the crotch holding the block when dropping big loads. Although I'm not a fizzicist, I know dat line be under gwate stwess!
Better than the butter I have been slathering on?
once the wound starts scabbing, try applying "aquaphor". It's somewhat like petroleum jelly & at the drug store. They give it to cancer victims & it helps healing & to bring elasticity to the skin.
Heal fast!